Another rec?

<p>All of my schools only require one teacher rec, but my Latin teacher decided to write me another one anyway and she wants to send it in even though I already have one submitted.</p>

<p>Will they wait for it? Should I tell them to wait for it? Because I'm pretty sure it'll help my chances.</p>

<p>Recs are worth far less for admission than high school students may believe. Many colleges that want one don’t want another rec and many of them say so on their sites so you should check. For others you can just have the second rec sent and put in your admission file but do not make a request to hold up on a decision until it arrives. That is a request that is likely to be ignored but worse it might cause your file to be reviewed after all others are determined putting you at a disadvantage if they feel they have already admitted all they are going to admit.</p>