Another should she submit scores post. Ugh!

Hi everyone-

DD is planning to apply to Virginia Tech and NC State. We are in state for Virginia schools. She is having a difficult time deciding whether or not to submit scores. This test optional stuff is for the birds. Any guidance/thoughts would be so greatly appreciated.

Her stats:
GPA 3.86 uw / 4.43 w
11 APs (7 through Junior year)
SAT: 1350 Super score (670 math / 680 verbal)
Decent ECs - part time job(s), Varsity Tennis (#1 seed for her high school), all NHS societies, will have 100 volunteer hours, etc.
Wants to study business (undecided)

Middle 50% stats for each school
VT: 1210 - 1410
NC State: 1290 - 1430

She is leaning towards submitting to VT and going test optional for NC State. NC State is a top wish list contender. Just not sure if they are really TO or just paying lip service. She was admitted to Auburn with her stats.

Would you submit scores to either of these schools?

Thank you!

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I think she has it right, though flipping on NC State would likely be fine. Yes to VT (above the 50%, supports the GPA, unlikely to have negative impact), slight no to NC State (at the 50% mark so doesn’t help the application, academically qualified).

Thank you! Just seeing the words written down from an anonymous perspective helps tremendously with confidence in the decision.

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I would submit the scores to both. She’s right at the midpoint, and that’s just among those who submit. I’d guess all the others have lower scores. It probably won’t have a huge impact either way. Different schools but…we have asked three AOs about submitting scores that are slightly BELOW the mid-50 range and all three said doing so would neither hurt nor help. Good luck!


I think it would be fine to submit to both. The score certainly won’t hurt.


She’s right above the median for total score and right below it for Math for NC State, so I recommend submitting scores. Also about 70% of enrolled students submitted (adding SAT and ACT percentages, so actual might be lower.)

Send them. Her scores, while they appear to be maybe just slightly less than what one might have expected from her grades, are reasonable for those institutions. I think that she should submit them. They most definitely do not detract from her applications to these institutions. I think that they definitely will not hurt her, might help a bit.


I would send SAT scores in to both schools. She is solidly in the mid 50. Why not?
What is her major?

She is thinking business, which I believe will be more competitive at both schools, hence the hesitation to send. NC State will also be OOS. Thanks so much for everyone’s input. Her score is good, but not great, which makes things a bit more complicated.

Honestly, outside of engineering, getting into NC State is doable for those with good stats…even OOS applicants. They defer a ton of EA kids and accept even more during the regular cycle and beyond. NC State is very stat driven. Class rank, GPA and score help a lot. Ultimately, it is your decision. Great school though!

Submit to both!

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