Any acceptances?

<p>Has anyone gotten accepted yet? What are your stats?</p>

<p>Still waiting...</p>

<p>Yeah, just got the news yesterday</p>

<p>my D was accepted today via their portal. She applied by 10/1.</p>

<p>I got accepted today. By stats, do you mean SAT/ACT/GPA?</p>

<p>ACT: 27
GPA: 3.9
150+ hours of comm service.
9 solid ECs
All AP and Honors courseload since 8th grade</p>

<p>Son received his acceptance and scholarship offer Saturday</p>

<p>ACT: 34
GPA: 3.89 / 4.04 weighted (AP only adds to weight)
AP: 4 complete (all 5’s), currently taking 3 AP
EC: Several strong leadership ECs
Community Service lacking</p>

<p>Damen Scholarship - $16k per year</p>

<p>Son got in this past week, 33 ACT, 5.20 weighted, lots of EC’s etc.
$16k/year. Do you know if they are automatically considered for more $$?
Is there a separate app for more scholarships?</p>

<p>I got in Friday with a 32 ACT, 3.75 GPA, and I got the 16k Damen scholarship. I loved my essay and had great rec letters (so I think) and a lot of extracurriculars with leadership.</p>

<p>I got in about 2 weeks ago, 3.65 GPA, strong essay, strong letter of rec, many extracurriculars, 30 ACT, Damen Scholarship for 16k, invite to apply for honors program. If you haven’t seen yours yet, I’d check online.</p>

<p>Hi everyone, my first post here. Can all of you who have heard from Loyola tell me when you applied. My daughter filled out the application in September and letters of rec, etc were sent by her high school in late October. Some of her friends have heard already and she has not. Needless to say it is making her crazy.</p>

<p>elaine - have you check the loyola portal? Maybe some items are missing.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks psblstnr, there was something that needed to be cleared up. Loyola Admissions office is wonderful!</p>

<p>elaine - I am glad its all worked for you! Have you visited?</p>

<p>We have actually been to the campus twice in the last year. The second time was to check out the newly created ballet-based dance major. My daughter is a dancer and is looking at BFA programs but is realistic about her need for an education outside of dance. The Loyola program looks like it is a good option. They seem like they will be open to students who want to double major. </p>

<p>The second time we stayed we spent the night at the Loyola Flats. It is a student run hotel across from the Loyola train station. Affordable rate with free parking. We would do it again.</p>

<p>I just checked online and saw my daughter was accepted on Friday…hopefully we will receive package this week. I was volunteering yesterday at my son’s HS open house (Loyola HS in Los Angeles) and met two other moms whose daughters are freshmen at LUC and are very happy there, loving it!</p>

<p>I applied in November and just got my letter yesterday, 30 on the ACT, 4.18 GPA in mostly honors and AP courses, rank in top 9% of class of 561 students, accepted with the Damen Scholarship (16,000/year). Good luck!</p>

<p>I applied at the beginning of November and got my letter a few days ago!
I had a 27 ACT, 4.2 GPA (at an EXTREMELY competitive private hs), and lots of dedicated ECs. I also got the $16k/year Damen scholarship.</p>

<p>How high is LUC on everyone’s list??</p>

<p>3.1 GPA. 34 ACT. 5 APs. Should graduate with 12-15 or whatnot. Depends on what college I decide on and if they will accept AP credits. Not many ECs. Only things of note are 200 hours of volunteering and three summers of paid research. </p>

<p>I got 15k/year. Loyola seems like a fine college at a mediocre price, my only concern is that everyone around me will just be dumb. I like my current state of being surrounded by company that allows a competitive nature to thrive. (Out of my 20 or so closest friends I am tied with two others for the second lowest ACT.)</p>

<p>I applied December 1st and received my acceptance today with the Damen Scholarship for 16,000 plus the Jesuit Heritage for 2,500. I had a 33 ACT and 4.04 GPA with 7 AP classes. Does anyone know if there is a higher automatic merit scholarship available? The website indicates that awards go up to 17,000 and there is one called the Presidential Scholarship listed before the Damen Scholarship.</p>

<p>Also, if you are nominated for the Honors College or the Presidential Achievement full ride should that have come with the acceptance packet or does that come later?</p>

<p>I was accepted last week!!
GPA: 3.0
ACT: 27
strong essays, recommendations, and extra curricular’s
received the Damen Scholarship for $16k a year</p>

<p>Does anyone know if 16k is the max automatic scholarship you can get?</p>