Any admit to MIT with SAT score of 1700?

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I was just wondering if anybody was admitted to MIT with an SAT reasoning score of 1700.</p>

<p>I know that the scorer will have a very very slim chance in the Adcoms but still is there a proof for that?. Also, please only state if somebody WAS accepted based on this score otherwise do not reply (leave any opinions)</p>

<p>Nevertheless, i am not the one who has this score its my friend and we both want to go to MIT together.</p>

<p>What is the score breakdown? Since MIT does not consider the writing score, only the CR and M scores are important.</p>

<p>You can see for yourself the percentage of last year’s applicants who were admitted with various score ranges [url=<a href=“]here[/url”>]here[/url</a>]. Additionally, there is a thread [url=<a href=“]here[/url”>]here[/url</a>] where applicants last year posted their stats profiles and their admissions decisions.</p>

<p>Thank you for those links molliebatmit.</p>

<p>My friend’s Critical reading score is 450 and math score is 690 so total is 1140. The ironic part is that he qualified for the national physics olympiad and represented his country (i will not mention it) in 2007.</p>

<p>if he is an international applicant, has he taken the TOEFL?</p>

<p>He is not an international applicant but he moved to USA about 11 months ago and unfortunately he did not know that he could skip the reasoning test by taking the TOEFL and two SAT subject tests. Now he has already applied to MIT and cannot take the TOEFL to override his SAT scores.</p>

<p>BEN JONES please reply if you are here in this forum.</p>

<p>To my knowledge, Ben Jones doesn’t work for MIT anymore…
Anyway, in my opinion, if English isn’t his first language, his math score is strong enough to get him a look… they should understand the issue with the critical reading. All depends on how long he has known English.</p>

<p>Ben Jones doesn’t work for MIT anymore. He took a great position at Oberlin, his alma mater.</p>

<p>If your friend is deferred after EA, he can take the TOEFL in January if he feels it would improve his application. It’s certainly rare for a student to be admitted with a reading score that low, but if English is not his first language, I’m sure MIT will take that into account.</p>

<p>Thank you centimeters,</p>

<p>English is not his first language, i know that BEN JONES does not work for MIT anymore but i was just wondering that he could be able to address the issue better since he HAS worked among those applicants with lower SAT scores.</p>

<p>I’m sure there has been… well at least their statistics say there has…</p>

<p>I know an international student with 1800 , but scored really well in the subject tests and got in…</p>

<p>Thanks Tariqx,</p>

<p>Same is the case with my friend, he has really really awesome scores on SAT subject tests.</p>