<p>Tentative Courses</p>
<p>Fall 2012
-Intermediate/Advanced Japanese (Whatever I get placed into)
-Intro to Macroeconomics
-Calculus 1 (i dont think my AP Calc will be a 5)
-Freshman Seminar (Will probably be an STL)</p>
<p>Spring 2013
-Intro to Microeconomics
-Calculus II (continued)
-Freshman Writing Seminar (assuming it'll be in spring)
-Intermediate/Advanced Japanese (continued)</p>
<p>I plan to major in economics.</p>
1.Does this look good?
2.Do I need to take a freshman seminar both terms?
3.Should I take writing seminar and freshman seminar together?</p>
<p>4.I feel like I wont be able to dabble in my other interests like film production, screenwriting, and creative writing. When do students usually start taking elective courses?</p>
<p>I’m not sure what freshman usually take because I’m Class of '16 also (taking MAT 103, HUM Sequence, and WS/FRS first semester and FRS/WS, ECO 202, MAT 104, and HUM Sequence second semester), but I can answer a couple of your questions. </p>
<li><p>No. You can take a freshman seminar both terms, one term, or neither term. They’re not in any way required (although there are some awesome choices…I’m really excited to take one! A course called Bad A$$ Asians? Yes please! And it’s pretty cool that we’ll get to work with incredible professors in such small groups.)</p></li>
<li><p>It doesn’t matter. You’ll actually be assigned to either a fall or spring writing seminar (that’s why I wrote “WS/FRS” in the tentative schedule above…it depends on when I get placed into a Writing Sem). There’s no need to take them at the same time. </p></li>
<p>As for your other questions, maybe post in the Princeton 2016+ Facebook group? We’ll also have meetings with advisors (as well as the ability to talk to older students) orientation week so don’t worry too much! And as for exploring your interests, do it now! Really! Freshman year is a time for exploration (there’s a 70% chance you’re going to change your major anyway). I’m planning on being an econ major but I’m still taking the humanities sequence (and I’m SO excited about it!!!
). </p>
<p>Look forward to meeting you next year!!</p>
<p>That Bad A$$ Asians class sounds super-cool! Can you elaborate more on the class? I’m just curious.</p>
<p>You could take a film / creative writing class in the spring and make it a 5th class. A lot of people take 5 classes freshman spring (it’s doable even if you have a spring writing sem).</p>
<p>The advanced Japanese class takes soooo much time. Don’t underestimate it! </p>
<p>Your fall schedule looks homework-heavy. Japanese will give you practically nightly work, and Calc and Econ will probably have weekly homeworks. If you do a lab as your freshman sem, that might be too heavy of a load. Maybe balance it out by taking a class with readings instead?</p>
<p>Take your electives NOW! Some people do a 5th class in the spring, as mentioned above. (And all the engineers have to, anyway.) Also, creative writing classes are usually pass/fail automatically, so it’s easier to add them to a schedule. Don’t miss the application deadline (they don’t really publicize it). But decide whether or not to add a 5th based on your fall experience with 4 classes.</p>
<p>You already ARE taking electives in this schedule. Japanese, theoretically, could be an elective, as is your freshman seminar. (You don’t have to take one, but they’re cool!)</p>
<p>Speaking of P/D/Fs - you can take 4 courses pass/D/fail as Princeton. (Creative writing classes are PDF only and don’t count!) That works out to roughly one per year. Plan to experiment with random classes and/or knock out distribution requirements with them!</p>