<p>So I decided I am army material but I thought I should ask unbiased opinions first. I don’t want to go on just what the recruiters let on. </p>
<p>So here’s the skinny: I am 21 year old female living in Seattle. I am looking to get a nomination for the academies as I would like those 2 extra years (before they make you commit) to see if the army is really something I can get into. I really like the idea of having a skill I specialize in instead of just hoping to get promoted by luck of the draw. The scores are no problem. I aced ASVAB and real tests so I could go into any job I wanted to enlist in. I want to train in computers or Chinese and already have Japanese and art ability. I’d like any tips answers on any of these. TIA </p>
<p>? The main thing is how can I get into the academies? I have the commitment but I have never done anything they look for under leadership. I have never participated sports either. I want to get into a prep school but I could use any edge you can think of.
? : BF and I are not getting married before I join but is marriage a good or bad thing once you’re in the army proper?
? : Can I get anyone in active service to recommend me? Or is it just a senator vice president who can nominate for service academies. Maybe I should get my boyfriend to enlist unless he wants to be a DH he might do it. Would there be something saying he could not recommend me?
? : Can I not fly? Does this make air force a last option for me or are there things worth going USAF for?
? : How anal are the instructors are they going to bust me for using one of these? Action</a> and Water Sports Hair Accessories by Hair Glove<br>
I have long hair and I think it would not touch my collar if I used one of these. It’s even in gray camo. It’s the one quirk that’s kept me out of the military until now I promised somebody I wouldn’t cut my hair when I was a kid. It’s kind of important to me to keep my promise but will they see it as that or rebel tendencies?
? : Are there sleeping uniforms? I have sports shorts I like to sleep in. Are those out?
? : If I were to say languages and Asia what which branch loves shipping people off? Or does it matter? I really want to get posted in Japan. Which is the most deployment-happy? Ground forces? Will I be deployed to an actual fight if I run translation / intelligence for them?
? : Somebody mentioned cheap ($10!) flights does that include my boyfriend so I could take him along or is it military plane military personnel period?
? : Know any good sites for strength training and speed for the physical fitness tests? Ok that’s one test I do need to practice up on. Assume I’m starting from wraith-build and don’t know the first thing about it.<br>
? : I just prefer living in a house. Do I have a shot at living off base if it’s a really expensive area? I want to go for Japan but I have an attachment to not living in an apartment. Any way BAH applies to buying expensive homes (assuming I could pay some) or are there any places on the base that aren’t apartments?<br>
? : Anything underground I should know before I sign anything? Tips to get into the academy without signing up for years forwards remember the 2 years trail they do at the academy? With this many questions I think it wise to take full advantage of. And thank you for the time you spent reading this all.</p>