<p>Hello, I am a Canadian interested in moving to the states. I am currently studying accounting at York U and wanted to get my M.Tax at a graduate school in the U.S. The reason the U.S appeals to me is because in some states I would only need 1 year of residency after completing my masters as opposed to 3 years in Canada.
Has anyone gone to grad school in the U.S as an international student and obtained employment after?
What was the process like i.e did you have to apply for a work permit, green card etc. ?</p>
<p>Do you mean getting your degree here and taking it back to Canada? I don’t know about accounting specifically, but it’s commonly done in other areas.</p>
<p>Staying in the US to work is a very different story. You will be allowed a training period following receiving your degree but you will have to return to your home country in the vast majority of cases. There are some temp visas for engineers and some science degrees, but even those require winning a lottery with limited numbers allowed to stay.</p>