<p>Im a rising senior and I really would appreciate if someone could let me know if I have at least a praying chance at any of the Claremont Colleges. So far I have a gpa of w: 4.67 and uw: 3.83, my first SAT was a 1980 (CR:670 M:690 W:620) but I plan on retaking it in october an breaking at least a 2100, just got back my first ACT score with a 32, also plan on retaking. my extracurriculars are ok I think.. freashman: JV tennis, water polo, and swim. Sophmore:V tennis, swim, JV water polo. Junior:V tennis, swim. and I'm not sure yet if I can handle doing tennis again my senior year. I did Academic League for a year - JV, CSF for two semsters so far, I plan on joining the Roots and Shoots club (which is the same as our key club), and continuing CSF. I am currently volunteering for the San Diego River Park, local library, and a therapeutic horse ranch.</p>
<p>What I really want to do is become a psychologist for the VA and work at one of their abroad hositals (hopefully the one in Frankfurt), and I know that at a ton of colleges, psychology is looked down on as a BS major so also if you know of any leading psych schools please mention!</p>