any chance? what is duke's avg. gpa?

<p>Chances! por favor, please, etc. </p>



<p>GPA: 3.7 unweighted, top 10% at prep school
SAT I: 800M, 750CR, 800W
SAT II: 800Math IIC, 790 Chemistry, 750 Physics
AP tests: US History 5, Art 2D Design 4, English Lit/Comp 5</p>

Violin (numerous statewide awards)
President of Environmental Action Committee
Asst. Teacher at Math School
Photography Editor of Yearbook
Editor of literary art magazine
Science Bowl Team founder
Knowledge Masters Team
Tutoring/Big Sister Mentorship Program</p>

Volunteer at Dana Farber
Medical Internship at MGH
Classes in Shanghai
Trip to Germany
Office jobs at Umass Medical School and camera company</p>

<p>Other: Sent supplemental music materials and supp. rec</p>