any chance??

<p>Hi, I am an Asian International student from Bangladesh. I have applied to HMC for physics. What are my chances? I am very worried about my SAT I scores.</p>

<p>SAT I
CR: 610
Math: 790
Wr: 620</p>

Physics: 790
Chemistry: 800
Math II: 790</p>

<p>Class Rank: 2 in a class of 135</p>

<p>National Mathematical Olympiad Champion
Honorable Mention in Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad
9th in National Informatics Olympiad
2nd in national team selection contest for IOI
Play violin and Hawaiian guitar
Completed a 4 years' course in fine arts</p>

<p>You look like you have a good chance, but international admissions are competitive. Nevertheless you seem like you have a good shot.</p>

<p>Btw, do you happen to go to Maple Leaf International School in Dhaka?</p>

<p>No, I went to Ideal School and Notre Dame College. Thank you for your reply. Do you know any one from Bangladesh in HMC?
Does HMC give aid to international students who demonstrate their need?</p>

<p>From what I understand, a certain set amount of finaid is set aside for all international students. Ultimately, of those international applicants who demonstrate financial need, only the best are offered admission and the rest are kind of screwed. Dont quote me on this though.</p>

<p>I think Seiken is correct in essentials. HMC does not have much of an endowment so it cannot offer as much financial support to international students as some older and richer schools can.</p>

<p>There is one Bengali student at HMC. He is currently a sophomore, and he's from Maple Leaf International School in Dhaka. A current junior at Pomona College also went there. They are both my friends.</p>

<p>If you have any Bengali specific questions I can try and get you in touch with one of them.</p>

<p>You know, I feel like being a National Mathematical Olympiad Champion would give you a MASSIVE boost in admissions chances. I presume you went to the International Mathematics Olympiad then?</p>