Any chance?

<p>My junior son is planning on applying to ND next fall. He attends a competitive, smallish, college prep hs in a chicago suburb. He is involved in Marching Band, Jazz Band, Pep Band, student ministry, Math Team, Scholastic Team, student ambassador, mentor, Eucharistic Minister, Youth Ministry at our church where he leads and plans retreats,
works part-time during volleyball and basketball season at our grade school. He is ranked 6th, (thinking it may move to 5th when grades come next week) out of 198 and has a weighted gpa of 4.9. He has taken all honors if they were available, got a 5 on APUSH and is taking 3 AP's this year and will take 2-3 next year. His teachers said at conferences they think he can get 5's this year. Who knows, though....</p>

<p>He took the ACT early this year just to get a feel for it. He got a 30 with not much studying and will be taking it next month, in hopes of raising it 2-3 points. Just received SAT's and he was not thrilled with his score. He got a 1390/1600 and then the writing part, well, that was terrible. He only got a 580. (ANy suggestions on how to improve that?!)</p>

<p>Does he have much of a chance with those test scores? If he can get the 30 up to a 32 at least, should he give it a shot? He is considering going into something with theology and thinks this would be a great fit. Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>He’s on the right path. Just tell him to bear down on his schoolwork and to take the SAT’s/ACT’s until he is happy with his score. You probably want either a 1400ish on the SAT and a 32-34ish on the ACT for ND. As for raising the writing section, ND doesn’t really look at it. So even if he were to hit the low 600’s on it, it wouldn’t really be a problem.</p>

<p>A 580 on the Writing portion is ‘terrible’? Wow.</p>

<p>Well, for CC it is…</p>

<p>I guess that is what I was going by. We are new to all of this testing/college business and I guess from what I have read here, I assumed it was. No offense at all intended.</p>

<p>Well by normal standards, a 580 is above average, and actually decently good. But God knows that CC can only put up with pure perfection. Anything less is “terrible.”</p>