<p>Hey guys, I wrote an essay about being an Afghan-American, and I really thought it shows who I am. I was wondering if any current Chicago students would want to read it and tell me it's okay to use an "original topic" option. When I visited admissions back in the spring they told me they love it when people actually use the "original topic" choice to be truly originally and not just to be lazy. So, I just want to see if my essay would fit the former rather than the later. Thanks! :)</p>
<p>Whats your prompt?</p>
<p>How Oreos help reveal the meaning of life.</p>
<p>haha…nice topic.</p>
<p>I chose the “create your own” prompt as well. I’m not a current student (crossing fingers till mid December), but i would love to look over your essay! Just PM is over to me?</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure if Chicago really didn’t want their applicants to be lazy, they would’ve told us to create an original topic in the first place. Taking a given prompt and transforming it based on who you are is also a great talent. </p>
<p>But I’d like to read your oreo essay too!</p>