Any college list suggestions?

I do not understand your criticism.

I feel my statement was balanced and in support of finding the best fit, regardless of if that is a research uni, LAC or state U. I did not even specify an institution in my statement… just made a general comment about the posted article. And further emphasized that fit is as important for faculty as it is for students. I’d prefer my student be instructed by a happy and fulfilled professor rather than a disgruntled one.

Further, a discussion of research uni vs LAC is off topic and has been covered many many times in other threads.

ETA: Vassar is fantastic for the right student. It was in my kiddo’s top three.


OP, you can add me to the folks encouraging you to take a close look at Wes and Vassar. :grin::grin:

If you are comfortable doing this, update this board after you run NPCs for a few institutions and discuss with your family. People here will be more than happy helping you refine your list if needed after getting that information.

Congratulations on your achievements to date!!


However the posted article did mention Stanford:

“As a grad student I taught at a big research institution, Stanford, and there are very smart students there as well, but they weren’t the ideal I had in mind, which was the engaged, enthusiastic liberal arts student who’s in it for the ideas, for the love of knowledge …”

Imagine a Stanford lecturer saying, “I was at Williams, great college, but compared to Stanford, the students have no ideas how computers work. Even in math, the Stanford kids are at Calculus, Williams are in 3’rd grade arithmetic, I’m really in my element”

You don’t think something like that would go unnoticed on c/c?

May I ask the above 2 users to focus on the OP and to refer to my post (#54) above if this message is unclear?


Macalester is wonderful.


iF you have course selection, achievements, and EC’s to back that up, interest in Humanities helps since so few students nowadays express that interest (it’s all STEM or economics). So if you streamline to one field, make it one that’s less common :slight_smile: (as long as you can back it up, bc nothing is less convincing than a schedule full of STEM courses and CS summer programs saying they hope to major in Classics without a single shred of proof they’re interested in it).

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Despite Wes’ long historical association with Amherst and Williams in the Little Three, and Vassar’s membership in the venerable Seven Sisters, many would say if Wesleyan has a sister college, it’s Vassar. We spent a lot of time looking at Vassar for two of mine and there is a lot to like there.