<p>if so, who's your favorite character/ whats your favorite book/company</p>
<p>i’m broke, but i need to read. what would you reccomend these days</p>
<p>i would say torrent some issues of DC’s Blackest Night or Marvel’s House of M</p>
<p>Love Marvel and I’m not-so-secretly a huge Northstar fan. After him, I mostly read X-Men.</p>
<p>i love comics!!! virtually any star wars and spiderman comics. long live comics!</p>
<p>I do the torrent. I like some batman family drama and all that.</p>
<p>Mine is obviously Magneto. I also enjoy Marvel’s “What If” series and the “Punisher/Eminem” comic.</p>
<p>what type of comics are we speaking of here? western or asian?</p>
<p>any although im not a fan of Anime at all</p>