<p>SO, here it is...</p>
<p>CH 301 with Mccord
UGS 303 Medicine in the 21st Century with Silverthorn
BIO 311C with Wandelt
BME 102L with Tunnell
M408D with an unknown professor
and UGS 001 First-Year Interest Group Seminar</p>
<p>As far as I know, you have to work VERY hard in Wandelt and Mccord's classes...
I'm a bit intimidated. Maybe my fresh year classes are too rigorous?
Any comments on the classes or the professors?</p>
<p>IDK about your other classes but do everything in your power to get in Dr. Laude’s chem class.</p>
<p>He is my favorite teacher of all time and at first i wasn’t able to get into his class cuz it was closed, but I called his secretary repeatedly and sent her emails and she let me in!! And if you have him for 301 you automatically get him for 302 as well!!!</p>
<p>He is such a great prof</p>
<p>edit: I’d be most worried about your M408C class since you don’t know the professor. That class can be very difficult and it’s largely up to the prof you get so hopefully your’s doesn’t end up being extremely hard</p>
<p>Yeah, if you’re persistent you should be able to get into Laude’s class. Just sit in and let him know that you want to get into his class if all else fails.
He makes it easy because he doesn’t teach as much and tells you everything on the tests. From what I hear, you learn a LOT from Mccord though because he’s a better teacher.</p>
<p>dhs, have you had any computer programming classes yet? If not, I would suggest getting a book on C and another one on Matlab. My son had a hard time in EE319K, which you will probably take in the spring. He had never had any programming experience, and he ended up dropping the class. This summer, he is taking a class in C at Austin Community College, and he’s learning Matlab on his own (he bought the student version of the software online, for about $99, I think). He will take EE319K again in the fall and hopefully do better!</p>
<p>Is your BME adviser named Yma? She is excellent! If you have any problems or concerns in a class, go see her!! She really wants to help students. You are not just a number at UT! I have been really impressed with her. She is a staff member with the title, Undergraduate Adviser.</p>
<p>If you can’t get into Laude, try Sutcliffe. I did well in her 301 class. 302? Heh, not so much…</p>
<p>And can you be more specific as to how to get into Laude’s class?
Like, to whom did you talk to, what reasons did you say, etc.
I really REALLY REALLY like to have him so please let me know everything you can please please pleaseeeee
And would it be better for me to take Mccord (Learn A Lot) or Laude (Easy A) If i’m doing engineering?</p>
<p>Plus, How do i even get Laude’s secretary’s contact? I don’t even know who she is haha</p>
And what do I do if the professor says no? do i still be persistent?
Should i email the professor?</p>
<p>call 512-471-6176</p>
<p>and email <a href=“mailto:dalaude@mail.utexas.edu”>dalaude@mail.utexas.edu</a></p>
<p>he was my favorite teacher of all tiem</p>
<p>what if he says no?
I emailed him and showed my interest. but what do i say if he says no?
Do i keep asking him?</p>
<p>It is his assistant that answers and she will try to get you in the class. If she says she can’t, just sit in on the class the first couple days and talk to Laude and his assistant in person after class and they will let you in for sure. (he even says, “if there is anyone in here that is not currently in my class but would like to be, come talk to me after class.”)</p>
<p>Dude, are you taking the max amount of hours?
Props, it’s gonna be a mad year. Although, Figs don’t really count. Those can either be loads of fun and bring you good friends that meet up as groups every now and then over the years or it can be a weird waste of time. Whatever, it’s good to join them anyway!</p>
<p>Laude is great! I’m not even a science major, but he came and lectured us once for a class I had as a guest and was absolutely great! Hope you get him! :)</p>