Any decent apartments around campus?

<p>I got accepted as a Transfer student for the Spring 2009 semester.</p>

<p>I was wondering if there are any decent apartments around school.</p>

<p>Could somebody help?</p>


<p>It depends on how much you’re willing to spend per month. The most expensive apartments are located nearby North Campus in the Villas at Chestnut Ridge and University Village at Sweethome complexes. They cost $610-$860 per person per month depending on how many roommates you want. The cheapest apartments are found near South Campus in privately owned apartment buildings. They can cost as little as $150 per person per month or as much as $400 per person per month.</p>

<p>Some links that are helpful:
[Villas</a> at Chestnut Ridge](<a href=“UB Off Campus Housing | Villas at Chestnut Ridge”>UB Off Campus Housing | Villas at Chestnut Ridge)</p>

<p>[University</a> Village at Sweethome](<a href=“Apartments near UB | University Village at Sweethome”>Apartments near UB | University Village at Sweethome)</p>

<p>[Off-Campus</a> Housing and Apartments at UB — Search Results](<a href=“]Off-Campus”></p>

<p>Thanks for your help!!</p>

<p>South campus is extremely dangerous. Don’t live there if you have options.</p>

<p>^ What he said. It’s a pretty rough area. You should try downtown near Elmwood Ave. area. It’s a bit further but it’s a nice area and the apts are still cheap. All of Buffalo is cheap.</p>