Any essay readers wanna critique my brown inspiration?

<p>the deadline is really close and i have like no time for it. does anyone wanna read it and see if its sufficient and add advice? Thanks, pm me</p>

<p>I’d love to.
I’ve already submitted my application, by the way, so you needn’t worry about plagiarism.</p>

<p>pm me, i will be honest about it…</p>

<p>sure i’ll look at it :] i’m not an 09’er</p>

<p>pm me</p>

<p>You can PM me too if you’d like.</p>

<p>PM it to me. I’m a transfer student and I’ve already finished my Brown essays.</p>

<p>i can give u feedback =)</p>

<p>i sent my application a week ago anyway lol</p>

<p>I will gladly give advice. I’m so unstressed since I just sent it in!</p>

<p>i just submitted the brown app today and got my essay check by my bro. but thanks for your interest. good luck to you all</p>