Any Fall 2009 postponed people get a final answer yet?

<p>What are the chances of being accepted after being weightlisted</p>

<p>bro: pretty much 0%. from their website:
Likelihood of Admission: We traditionally admit students from the extended waiting list very rarely and at very small numbers when we do. While we did admit students from the waiting list in 2008, we’ve only taken wait-list action three out of the past nine years. It is impossible to estimate the likelihood of the university admitting from the waiting list this year as it is contingent upon many factors.</p>

<p>I got denied as well but I'm not going to bother sending in the form, I won't mind going elsewhere</p>

<p>It is your call on being wait-listed or not...But I heard that in the last two years they drew people from the postponed-wait-list group. It really depends if you really want to go to Wisconsin or want to move on. I am not sure if the form is long or not, but you don't even have it as an option if you don't turn in the form...</p>

<p>If you really like Wisconsin, stay on the waiting list. This year's enrollment is going to be hard to predict with the highly unusual things that are going on in the economy, plus the fact that a lot of people have seen their college fund's value decrease - significantly so in many cases. The cost of attending Wisconsin may now be out of reach for some admitted students. You might get lucky!</p>

<p>Last year they ended up taking around 350 off the waitlist--before it had been very few. I too think this year will be harder than ever to predict but I think OOS kids might get another shot as they really need to fill those.</p>

<p>i applied for the november 15 deadline...i received my postponement notification on jan 8.
Im from missouri
had a 27 ACT
3.9 Unweighted GPA
editor of my hs yrbook
and a few other MEANINGFUL extra cirriculars
when i sent in my senior grades (i sent them in early Feb.) i also included a letter talking about why i wanted to go to UW Madison and saying that if i was accepted i would accept and my counselor sent a second reccommendation letter....on march 10th the status on the website had not changed, this was not the case when i was postopned (i heard on the website about 7 days before the deadline) so i sent an email to the admissions rep from my state repeating that i had not heard anything...just checking to make sure they received all the appropraite materials.</p>

<p>I got my acceptance notificatoin online on March 15.</p>

<p>i posted this because i think its important for people to realize that UW is a school that gets many applications and needs to tell who is "just fishing" to see what schools with accept them and who truly wants to be there.
While i had some reservations about "hounding" the school with my intent to go there, im very glad i did because i got into my #1 choice and will be a proud badger next fall.</p>

<p>*sometimes you have to "play the game" to get what you want</p>

<p><em>if i was accepted i would attend UW</em> sry for the typo</p>

<p>Not really sure where else to put this, but I got straight rejected.
ACT 31, 3.65UW, good EC's and recs. I came and visited during the summer and loved it, but I guess I applied too late? or I just suck...</p>

<p>I'm getting a little bit anxious =_= I applied late December and some people got their decisions in Feb, and I still...didn't...get anything. I dunno maybe it's because I live abroad? But...are there some people who still haven't gotten anything?</p>

<p>Sammy- you didn't have to play any game- you were postponed initially while they waited to see how many "better" applicants they received, once they had all of the apps in by the deadline they could decide which students made the cut.</p>

<p>I don't agree. Once you are postponed you have to play the game. You have to write a letter saying you will come if admitted. They want to admit only the applicants of the postponed pool that have the best chance of coming to the school...some are better qualifed than others. It comes down to yield rate. It is clear from this posting that postponed applicants that wrote letters and emails stating they would come were admitted over those who did not...they played the game. I don't agree with Wisconsin's policty of posting the admission's personnel profile and email address on the website. Somehow that opens themselves up to "playing the game" and working the system and the personnel for an extra advantage....just my opinion.</p>

<p>I see nothing wrong with taking students who express the most interest over those just using UW as a backup. Yes a few of them might be lying and gaming the system but I think most are sincere. In the long run UW is better off with people who want to be there. Those looking to transfer at the first opportunity are of little use.</p>

<p>Sending in new information is not playing a game- gushing about how you really like the school is not necessary.</p>