Any FRC team members out there?

I’m just curious if there are any fellow CCers participating in the FIRST Robotics Competition.


Yep, good luck to all teams as bag and tag quickly approaches!

@The5458Captain: Good luck at Sacramento! (I’m assuming you’re on team 5458) I’m sad we decided not to attend after having attended many times in the past–and this is the year that 118 attends…

@Andr01d Thanks and good luck as well!

And what teams are you guys on, Andr01d and @snowfairy137?

I’m on team 2944 @The5458Captain

//googles team 5458 in a non-creepy way. You guys look so much more serious than us!

@snowfairy137 Thanks! Do you know how difficult it was to get everyone to stand still like that? :stuckouttonguewinkingeye:

Anyway, I Googled your team too… your robot looks nice!

@The5458Captain Lol, sounds difficult
I put together the decorations on that… it took forever and we almost got in trouble for spray painting it on school grounds, but it was so worth it. Its supposed to be a dinosaur but people think its an alligator… grrrr

@snowfairy137‌ @The5458Captain‌ Lol, who sponsors your teams?

@1LuckyBrave Um… if you look at our team name there’s like 8 different ones idk, just local companies and stuff. We really don’t have that big of a budget though.

I am an adult volunteer, mentored a team a few year ago. Now I volunteer in the pit at one of our regionals and at State. First is awesome, wish it had been around when I was in high school!

@The5458Captain‌: team 1868

@snowfairy137‌: good luck at West Valley and Central Washington events! I had a lot of fun writing up a document explaining the math behind the new district qualification system…my team thought (and still thinks) I’m crazy because I got really excited when explaining it to them even though we’re not in districts…

@intparent: thank you for volunteering!

Out of curiosity…are any of you on Chief Delphi? I spend way more time on there than I should, and now with robot reveal videos starting to pop up I really don’t get off it much (except to get on here :slight_smile: )

@Andr01d I’m on Chief Delphi! I don’t comment much, but I love reading the threads. I get loads of information that way.

@andr01d thanks, good luck whereever you’re competing too

I’m bumping this thread because I’m curious if there are any others out there…

@1LuckyBrave Oops, I didn’t see your question until now, sorry!

Well, our corporate sponsors are NASA and The Brin Wojcicki Foundation, and then we have a few local sponsors as well. We’re trying to get more :slight_smile:

@The5458Captain‌ We are trying to get more sponsors too. For NASA, did you apply or anything like that?

@1LuckyBrave Our team applied for a NASA grant last year to pay for the application fee for the Sacramento Regional. And we got it! So that’s how they became our sponsors.

What team are you on?

This year, my school is not participating in First. :-w

What? Why not?

I’m sorry about that… is your school participating next year?