Any future or current music producers???

Hey yall,

I am currently a senior in high school who has applied to Northeastern. I plan on majoring in Computer Science and Music with a concentration in music composition and technology for Fall 2017. Is anyone else majoring in Computer Science and Music?

I’m not too involved myself, but if you are looking for people and attend, be sure to live in the Musical Motifs LLC freshman year!

@idroppedthebeat My son is also applying for CS and music composition, for this fall (RD). Just saw your post and wondered if you have any update on your plans? What other schools are you looking at?

@TexasMom2017 Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately, I was not accepted into Northeastern but American University has a very good program that supports Computer Science and Music. Additionally, USC, Stevens Institute of Technology, and Lawrence Tech University have programs for Computer Science and music.

Thank you!