<p>I found many good math research opportunities, but they r only eligible for U.S citizens...</p>
<p>yeah man I know what you are talking about…also an international student and it is difficult getting anything concerning research…check with professors in your school</p>
<p>im currently at a college which provides us with very few researches…
<p>It is very hard to get REU (Reseach Experience Undergraduate).
I have checked all of them required to be a US Citizen or Permanent Residents.</p>
<p>I am an international student too, and last summer I just tried to apply for the research program anyway, and I got rejected even though I have 3.8 GPA chemical engineering major.</p>
<p>Try to talk to your prof or get an internship at a multinational company.</p>
<p>FYI: REU sponsored by NSF. All government program only for US citizen and permanent residents. sucks huh?</p>
<p>thank you…</p>