any good (short) Keynote tutorials?

<p>Got a presentation (assessed) next week and we can use powerpoint. I just switched to Mac and so I have Keynote instead of Powerpoint. It's supposed to be better but to be honest its kind of confusing.</p>

<p>I have been looking up tutorials online but mainly they are more complicated than what I want to do, which is basically just have a few slides with words swooshing onto them from the side as I speak. This is pretty easy to do with powerpoint.</p>

<p>So can anyone point me to a super bare-bones minimal Keynote tutorial to help me do this.</p>

<p>No bells and whistles, just a simple presentation! </p>

<p>Preferably someone who actually has keynote! </p>

<p>And yes I have googled this!</p>