Applied SCEA, but does anyone have feedback on essays?

<p>I'm undergoing the countdown stress now, but am still wondering if anyone has feedback on my essays, long essay in particular. PM me. Theme is Quiz Bowl.</p>

<p>yeah hey....just PM the essay to me. which topic did you choose..the picture one or "what someone has said to you in the past..?" Let me know asap!</p>

<p>"What someone said to me in the past". PMs sent. Enjoy.</p>

<p>sure ill take a look.</p>

<p>i'll take a looky.</p>

<p>sure i'd love to take a look</p>

<p>count me in too, please.</p>

<p>I'll read them</p>

<p>you can hit me up with one too</p>

<p>Yeah PM me too!</p>

<p>"Dear Andrew, it is with the utmost regret..."</p>

<p>Oh, well. Never mind.</p>