Any help with DC area summer housing?

<p>In search of summer housing in DC for a rising senior in college who will be doing research this summer. Any suggestions?</p>

<p>You might want to try looking in the internships forum for specific info. Last year my d did a DC internship and stayed at GWU, which has extensive housing options. Here's a link: GW</a> Housing Programs - The George Washington University</p>

<p>My d was in a very nice 2-bedroom apartment with 3 other interns in Ivory Tower. On the expensive side with no food included, but a very safe area, somewhat convenient to Capitol Hill, and in good condition.</p>

<p>Last summer DS stayed at Georgetown Law School dorm, very convenient for DC internships. Rooms are private, apartment style with kitchen and bathroom. Found a sublet on Craig's list for this summer which is alot cheaper and with more convenient dates.</p>

<p>my son stayed in a well located WISH apt as the college housing was not long enough for his full summer internship.<br>
Expensive but super location.</p>

<p>Downside...the first day he went to work, "employees" of the maintenance staff had been repairing all the broken things in the apt, which was in great disrepair, dirty, and the sink and dishwasher flooded the kitchen first time turned on.</p>

<p>So..although there was evidence that the subcontracted maintenance crew had been in twice already...and my son locked the deadbolt on his way to work that morning...
the apt was "cleaned out" when he came home from his first day at the office...two brand new Apple computers, money, and a few other items gone.</p>

<p>deadbolt relocked. Police wrote it up as an inside job. WISH Office offered nothing and we had to pay our full deductible on our homeowners insurance to replace things. Make sure your electronics are on your home insurance policy. Carry valuables to work. Student housing is targeted as there is great turnover summer after summer in DC.</p>

<p>There is housing at American U.</p>

<p>Well, over the summer in College Park many students sublet their campus/off campus apartments. There is a shuttle to the metro from the student union. You can also walk or bike, although depending on your distance tolerance this could be annoying (can be as short as a 3-5 minute walk or as long as a 20 minute walk, depending on where you choose to stay). Students sublet apartments for 650-700 (this includes utilities) for single bedrooms. </p>

<p>Otherwise you can look into housing at universities in DC. This is probably more convenient as CP is about a 30 minute metro commute downtown.</p>

<p>There is housing at George Mason in Fairfax, VA -- shuttle to subway; DC about 40 min on subway from vienna metro station.</p>

<p>if he's working at the NIH then american is a good idea. I stayed in GW housing the summer I worked there, and it was okay, but overpriced and sort of far from bethesda. George Mason seems very far to commute, and Georgetown isn't all that metro accessible. The problem with GW is that the summer housing ends very early. I might see if anyone is offering a summer sublet, somewhere on the redline, maybe dupont, adams morgan, or further out.</p>

<p>I agree with the others who suggest looking for sublets on the campus newspaper websites, etc. for the school that is closest to where your son is doing his internship. In order to really take advantage of being in the area, I'd recommend that the commute from home to work be as close as possible. He can always take the metro into the other areas of the city, but most of his time will probably be taken up, so don't add in a lot of commuting time.</p>

<p>Also, is his research with a specific program? I know that D's intership has a coordinator and they indicated that if someone was looking for roommates, they could put you in contact with them, so that several people at the same workplace could sublet a bigger place together.</p>