Any Ideal Colleges

<p>Im a Junior and on something that I know for sure next year I will add, so just in case it didn't add up. Well I was curious if I laid out all my EC's, grades, etc. if someone could give me some ideas for some colleges, hopefully higher tier, that I may be accepted to, or have a shot at? Thanks ahead of time:</p>

4.511 Weighted GPA
3.89 Unweighted GPA</p>

<p>All Honors Classes Possible, Dual Credit Classes, Two AP Classes (All thats offered) and concurrent classes</p>

Composite: 30
Science: 34
Math: 28
English: 30
Reading: 29</p>

<p>State Qualifier UIL LD Debate (This week, so lets say 3rd, feeling confident)
Regional Qualifier LD Debate 2010
2nd place Regional LD Debate 2011 (2nd District As Well)
Runner Up Physics Scorer UIL Science Test
Perfect TAKS History Test (Idk? Reckon I'd Say)</p>

Solar Car 4 Years
BETA Club 3 Years
(President 2011-2012 Year)
Student Government 3 Years
(President 2011-2012 Overall Year and Class President 2009-2010 Year)
Teenagers For Christ
(Founder/President...Bible Study Club (will be 2 years long next year))
Chess Club 2 Years
(President 2010-2011)
UIL Science, Mathematics, LD Debate</p>

Student Youth Leader
Led lessons, mentorish, helped everything run smooth
VBS Worker (June 2010)
Youth Revival Work (August 2010)
Led Sunday Service (January 2011)
*gave the sermon, led worship</p>

<p>Job Experience:
Host (Jan 2011-April 2011)
Ranch Hand for Youth Pastor (2009 and 2011 Summer)</p>

Football (JV 2 Years)
Golf (JV 1 Year V 1 Year)
Track (JV 1 Year)
Cross Country (1 Year Varisty)</p>

<p>Thanks ahead of time for heping out, I haven't fully determined a career path, anyting between politics, military, engineering or busines... most likely one of those four... so any help would be great, be honest please when suggesting colleges!Thanks :)</p>

<p>Your reach schools would be schools such as Boston College, GWU, Bucknell, Lehigh, Colgate, USC, etc. etc. You should also consider some financial match and safety schools that are in your state of residency.</p>

<p>I disagree with jshain. I think most of those schools would be matches, as the scores of the OP are around the average for all of these schools, and his ECs are great. Reaches would be schools such as dartmouth, brown, cornell, WUSTL. If you can get your ACT scores up, you have a good chance at these as well.</p>

<p>Reaches would be schools such as dartmouth, brown, cornell, WUSTL. </p>

<p>I feel that the schools that dnuos13 said are reaches would be EXTREMELY high reaches for an unhooked applicant that currently has scored a 30 on the ACT, along with okay but rather non-distinctive EC’s. It is for this reason that I suggested to you to apply to some REALISTIC reach schools that you have a better chance at getting admitted to. I still encourage you to apply to some more selective schools such as the ones you listed, but give yourself a better chance of being admitted to schools that more closely match your stats and resume than Ivy/Ivy-equivalent schools.</p>

<p>Any particular location, college/university type, campus specifics, monetary concerns (need good FA/scholarships)?</p>

<p>Might look at Holy Cross, Davidson, William&Mary, and Bowdoin all have strong academics and good athletic programs.</p>

<p>Good reaches might be WUSTL, Notre Dame, UC-Berkley (or some other UC’s), NYU (especially if you choose business), Cornell, UChicago etc. might be high reachs.</p>