<p>I am junior that is coming up on the every so important college decision time... I am extremely interested in politics and my dream career is "Senator or Representative". If all goes right that my career path. Hopefully following a pilot slot. Could anyone please help me with my chances for either West Point and US Air Force Academy. Or maybe suggest a college. I will chance back</p>
4.578 Weighted GPA
3.84 Unweighted GPA
Class Rank: 3 or 4 out of 50ish</p>
<p>All Honors Classes Possible
Dual Credit Classes
(US History 1301 - 02 (89 and 84)
(Goverment And Economics)
(English 1301 and 1302)
Two AP Classes (All thats offered)
(Physics and Calculus)
Concurrent College Courses
(Intro to Sociology and Nutrition)</p>
Composite: 30
Science: 34
Math: 28
English: 30
Reading: 29
(will definitely retake for Math to be raised to at least 30...stupid day, much better than that)</p>
<p>State Qualifier UIL LD Debate(7 of 12)
Regional Qualifier LD Debate 2010
2nd place Regional LD Debate 2011 (2nd District As Well)
Runner Up Physics Scorer UIL Science Test
Perfect TAKS History and Science Test (Idk? Reckon I'd Say. State Standardized Test)</p>
Solar Car 4 Years
BETA Club 3 Years
(President 2011-2012 Year)
Student Government 3 Years
(President 2011-2012 Overall Year and Class President 2009-2010 Year)
Teenagers For Christ
(Founder/President...Bible Study Club (will be 2 years long next year))
Chess Club 2 Years
(President 2010-2011)
UIL Science, Mathematics, LD Debate
(4 Years) </p>
Student Youth Leader
Led lessons, mentorish, helped everything run smooth
VBS Worker (June 2010)
Youth Revival Work (August 2010)
Led Sunday Service (January 2011)
*gave the sermon, led worship</p>
<p>Job Experience:
Host (Jan 2011-April 2011)
Ranch Hand for Youth Pastor (2009 and 2011 Summer)</p>
Football (JV 2 Years)
Golf (JV 1 Year V 1 Year)
Track (JV 1 Year)
Cross Country (1 Year Varisty)</p>
First Generation College Student
Step-grandpa Aerial Gunner in AF
"Diversity, Rural Student"
Thanks ahead of time, I will chance back!</p>