<p>liI'm Korean and I am completing my 12 yr education in the US right now. I'm applying there as an international and I was wondering if anyone has any experience, advice, knowledge..? Someone mentioned SNU likes people who apply for hard majors. </p>
<p>I'm planing to enter for March 2013 and maybe be creative and make a self introduction DVD. I don't know. I just want to get in haha. </p>
<p>Also, Im not asking about the application process! I'm thinking of applying for their environment program, civil engineering or the clothes design program. But, not so sure. I want to become a doctor :) but no pre-med. </p>
<p>I know I would probably get in top 20 unis in the US, but it's not in my options right now. So, please dont ask why I would go to uni in Korea. It's just out my hands :)</p>
<p>Are you a korean citizen? if u want to become a doctor in korea, u really should apply for the SNU premed program.</p>
<p>fyi my friend (valedictorian SAT 2300 eight APs) got into a top 20 usa univ but was rejected from snu premed… competition has been increasing exponentially over the years</p>
<p>I’ve applied for the Fall 2012 Admissions. Results are coming out on the 20th of April, 2012. I’ll let you know how it goes for me. I’ve applied as an electrical engineer.</p>
<p>To respond to your question about premed, I’m hearing that that field has an extremely low acceptance rate. I remember reading 1 to 30 as the admission rate for medical fields.</p>
<p>I’ve also found this info on admission rates on this link:
[??? - ??? ??? ?? 1???](<a href=“서울대 외국인 입학생 5년 새 2배 이상↑”>서울대 외국인 입학생 5년 새 2배 이상↑)</p>
<p>Is 학부 과정 the equivalent to pre-med course? Also, I thought the Korean med programs are all integrated into a 6 year programs or something, so there isn’t a pre-med course per se. I dunno, can someone briefly explain Korean medical school system?</p>
<p>p.s. I’m also applying for the fall 2012 admissions. Which country are you applying from scarlet?</p>
<p>No 학부 과정 just means undergraduates in general. I’m not exactly sure on how long pre med programs are, but I’ve heard 6 years from somewhere before. </p>
<p>I am applying from the US. How about you IB?</p>
<p>I’m from Canada. Haha, I didn’t know the admission rate for undergrad was only 16.6 percent. I though foreigners admission rate was ridiculously higher for some reason. Hopefully I’ll see you on the university campus this fall.</p>
<p>It used to be that any applicants who had 12 year spec or are foreigners just had to apply to SNU to get in. In fact, if you get rejected by applying through 12 year/foreign admission u were considered an idiot once. Now times have changed, and plenty of strong applicants get rejected. Only the less-popular majors are still guarantee-admissions…</p>
<p>I’m actually afraid I might get rejected. I got priority waitlisted to Carnegie Mellon already… IB, what major did you apply as? I am also a 12 year study abroad Korean citizen. Hopefully we both get in…</p>
<p>kim1g, do you have any other experience with people getting accepted/rejected to SNU, other than your valedictorian friend?</p>
<p>I’m applying for medicine. Oh btw, I didn’t know Korean citizens can still be eligible as foreigners. I know a person who got rejected to Seoul (Med I think) with ~2250, 118 Toefl, and ~4.0 GPA if that helps you. Did you apply anywhere else in Korea scarlet?</p>
<p>Nope, only SNU. And I thought the 12 year abroad was only for original Korean citizens no? Damn, I guess the 3% admission rate for medicine is true. I applied as an engineer. I’m hoping engineering isn’t THAT difficult. My specs are similar to that person, but I did not take the Toefl. I do have the TOPIK Level 5 passed though.</p>
<p>Guys chill out… 12 year special admission is easy to get into. (unless you have applied to Med school or Business school) I think kim1g428 does not know what he is talking about. Really people bluff writing random high scores to scare people. The admission rate is low because people with low spec do apply too. By low spec I mean no APs, SAT under 2100, no SAT II.
So if you have a decent score, that could get you into like a pretty good college in US, you will definitely be fine.
And Scarlet, I do know some other cases: I know a girl with a very good A-level who got into Med school. She had no TOEFL or SAT. But, she had a proof of making the shortlist for the Cambridge Med School. I guess that helped a lot. She also told me that she had a phone interview with SNU.
Ps don’t be afraid to apply. It is worth trying.</p>
<p>Thank you for your reply banglaji. I have been accepted to Georgia Tech for Electrical Engineering. Should I inform SNU of this information?</p>
<p>I also heard some people using acceptances to other institutions as leverages for their acceptance to SNU. Do you think acceptances to a lower tier schools like Berkeley will boost one’s chances? Also, I didn’t know they had phone interviews. I might want to contact them about that. </p>
<p>p.s. I can’t believe there was someone insane enough to forego Cambridge Med for SNU.</p>
<p>Yes, I would do that.</p>
<p>Berkeley would definitely raise chances. Korea considers Berkeley an extremely good institution, especially for engineering.</p>
<p>banglaji, I have another question for you. How did that girl you know who got into SNU premed do at school? Was she successfully able to graduate? Or is she still studying at this time? Do reports need to be written in complete Korean, or are there leeways for internationals? Also, does the Korean society consider international students who study at SNU as capable as those native Koreans if the international student can graduate successfully? Thanks</p>
<p>Whoa, replies! I was about to give up for answers! </p>
<p>@ScarletCrush and @IBprocrastinate: Please tell me what happens when you guys see who gets accepted! I’m so terrified D: </p>
<p>I’m a 12 year Korean citizen. I’m thinking of just applying for fashion/clothes industry major there and then switch
I have only 1970 SAT, 1 AP, and no SAT II. But, I’m taking TOPIK and TOEFL and expect good scores! I hope that’s enough. And I’m going to ask for recommendation letters from SNU professors as well. Hopefully I do get in
and ya’ll too! </p>
<p>Pre-Med was my first option, but I don’t think I’ll be able to compete with the other applicants. I saw that 12 year korean citizens have higher acceptance than Internationals. </p>
<p>I’m also applying to other schools as well. </p>
<p>Are you guys fluent in Korean???
If we all get accepted, let’s all meet and party for being in SNU lol! I’m applying for spring 2013!</p>