<p>My S is a B+ student with high SATs and a few meaningful ECs. He is very articulate but will need accommodations for writing. The LACs he is considering that we don't have much information on are COPLACs Evergreen and Southern Oregon University and private LACs University of the Pacific (College of the Pacific) and Austin College. Any experiences/information you have would be appreciated.</p>
<p>Son was an undergrad and now a grad student at Univ of Redlands. Overall they are very caring and supportive of their students. Merit aid has been generous in the past.</p>
<p>Thanks Lamom. I’d heard the name but knew nothing about the school. I’ll give your suggestion to my son to check out.</p>
<p>Son has finals now but if he can’t answer a question he usually knows someone who does. Feel free to ask or pm…</p>
<p>University of Redlands has a beautiful campus. Small town feel, ivy league look.</p>
<p>[University</a> of Redlands](<a href=“http://www.redlands.edu/]University”>http://www.redlands.edu/)</p>
<p>University of San Diego has one of the nicest campuses in the west. It is a private school, not to be confused with UCSD or San Diego State. It is up on a bluff overlooking Mission Bay.</p>
<p>[University</a> of San Diego](<a href=“http://www.sandiego.edu/]University”>http://www.sandiego.edu/)</p>
<p>Chapman University is near Disneyland. </p>
<p>[Chapman</a> University - Site Home](<a href=“Page Not Found | Chapman University”>http://www.chapman.edu/)</p>
<p>Redlands, which I’ve passed many times on the way to the San Bernadino Mountains, is in a terrible location and much of the school looks run-down. That website is extremely misleading.</p>
<p>??? Run down?? You can’t see campus from freeway. There is smog and heat in the summer but school ends in April, May if you take May term.</p>
<p>Whitman and Occidental are two LACs that were on the list of a family friend. He chose Occidental and loves it there.</p>
<p>My son’s best friend is a B+ student and NMF. No learning differences, but he is ADHD with anxiety disorder. He is applying to Chapman, Loyolla-Marymount University, and Pitzer. He visited U. of Puget Sound and Lewis and Clark and liked both, especially Lewis and Clark, but his allergist advised against going to college in the Pacific Northwest (mold allergy).</p>
<p>Have you considered Trinity University in San Antonio?</p>
<p>I second Redlands (run down it is NOT). Was high on D’s list especially because of merit aid. Didn’t make final choice only because she didn’t feel it pushed her far enough out of her comfort zone (too close to home -only 10 hrs away by car.) Agree with other recommendations. If he liked Trinity, he also might like St. Edwards in Austin (good merit money too). Perhaps Northern AZ in Flagstaff (part of the WUE)</p>
<p>How about Trinity U in San Antonio? Not really a LAC but small like one and it offers merit aid.</p>
<p>St. John’s in NM is another possibility for someone who marches to the beat of a different drummer.</p>
<p>Several outstanding western LAC (or LAC-like): not a comprehensive list
- Occidental college (Los angeles)
- University of Redlands (very supportive of their students)
- Loyola Marymount (Los Angeles)
- Santa Clara University (Near San Jose, CA)
- Lewis and Clark
- Pitzer</p>
<p>I have had the opportunity to work with young graduates from all of these colleges and can attest to the enthusiasm of these students for their undergrad colleges.</p>
<p>Whitman is in Walla Walla, WA and it a Profile school with a good reputaion.
Whitworth and Gonzaga are small LACs in Spokane, WA, both are FAFSA schools are offer merit aid, for instance $10k or more a year just on GPA/SAT and will work with you to justify giving the awards.</p>
<p>In Seattle there are small privates like Pacific Lutheran and Seattle Pacific.</p>
<p>Gonzaga is Catholic, other good Catholic schools are University of San Diego, University of San Francisco, and Santa Clara in NorCal.</p>
<p>Mills College is in NorCal.</p>
<p>Pepperdine, Point Loma Nazarene, and Westmont are SoCal Christian Schools.</p>
<p>Baylor in TX offers merid aid of $10k plus annually.</p>
<p>If you check out Trinity, you might as well drive 90 minutes north on !-35 and check out Southwestern in Georgetown. It’s currently S’s no. 2 choice.</p>
<p>If your son will need accommodations for writing, please contact each school and find out how they handle this. Some of the schools people are suggesting are great LACs but are really writing-intensive. Oxy, Whitman, Pitzer - don’t know how they handle kids with learning differences, but for the regular kids, writing is a huge part of the workload.
Austin college is a small and nurturing school (again, no experience with how they handle learning differences) but the town of Sherman leaves much to be desired. There are similar schools in nicer places.</p>
<p>In addition to those already mentioned, he might want to add in Linfield, Pacific University (in Oregon),University of Portland, and Dominican College, maybe even St. Mary’s in Moraga. I’m guessing they’d all be “safety” schools for him–but sometimes a place just catches your imagination or has an ideal program and all of the schools listed have some wonderful qualities, some great teachers, and the point is for him to look at enough to get a sense of where he would confidently find a good fit. Do not let the “ranking” mania keep you from looking broadly for a place that makes him feel great.</p>
<p>Gonzaga has Enrollment Fall 2008 6,923; more midsized than small. Mills is all women.</p>
<p>Pepperdine in Malibu?</p>