Any Knowledge on L'Ville Class of 2019?

I’m applying as 11th grader and, despite having a 99th percentile numbers game, extensive extra-curriculars, and seemingly strong interview, it seems like we were given the idea that it is essentially impossible to get in due to the logistics of adjusting to lville and then immediately taking off for college applications. Any thoughts/ideas on my situation?

They do take a handful of 11th graders. Probably no more than 5-10. I know of someone who entered Lville as an 11th grader so I know it’s not impossible.

We were given the same idea and told it is 0-5 per year that get in as 11th graders. One year they took 10 but that was an anomaly. They said they don’t give 11th grade entrants any special attention and the student needs to hit the ground running.