Any language SAT Takers

<p>Okay, My question is... I assume that if I take the same SAT language test as every other korean person which in my case is korean, would that be a downside in my app.?</p>

<p>Any experiences/comments would be appreciated :)</p>

<p>I don’t think it’ll count against you.</p>

<p>They’ll probably be like “Oh, no wonder he got an 800…he’s [insert ethnicity here]”.</p>

<p>It will count against you in top colleges. The Princeton Rep specifically told us NOT to use your native language SAT unless you had NO other option at all. Even then, he said it wasn’t a great idea at all. It deosn’t demonstrate your learning ability, only that its your native tongue.</p>

<p>My friend is Korean and got a 740. That sounds good, but it’s below the 50th percentile. Don’t be overconfident…prepare for the test if you decide to take it.</p>

<p>i came from korea and i got 790 cuz i got a few problems off … listening section!
and that was when I was in 9th grade, only 2 years after my immigration</p>