Interviews were held recently, and I was wondering if anyone has been notified that they’ve received the scholarship, or whether anyone knows when we can expect notification about whether we got the scholarship.
If you haven’t received any emails or phone calls, please feel free to post this, too 
The people who interviewed me said that we could expect to hear back in a week. I think the last interviews (the Skype ones) were held today, so I’d say next weekend (Apr 15-16) or sometime next week is probably when results are coming out!
Thank you!
Was your interview held this week, by any chance, or last weekend?
I’m trying to figure out whether this one week is after our individual interviews, or after all of the interviews have been completed :-?
My interview was held this week 
From what I’ve heard, the top 3 students from each district / area are awarded scholarships after the first round of interviews, and the top candidate moves on to regionals. So I’m guessing it would take at least a week after all the candidates in your district are done interviewing. (I don’t remember where I found that info though; it may require some fact-checking)