<p>Is anyone else a potential athlete for Penn?</p>
<p>I was hoping to walk on the the swim team… never got a scholarship offer but spoke with the coach and he said be would be very happy to have me on the team if I got in. Just wish he’d do me some favors, haha… make things a little bit easier?</p>
<p>I have been talking with the track coach for almost a year. He tells me that in 23 years he has never had someone who’s application that he supported, not get into the college. Yet, I am still nervous and very anxious for December 12th to roll around.</p>
<p>i go to a school with an amazing swimming program thats reconized internationally. we sent 11 ppl to the olympics this year, so naturally the swimmers here tend to get recruited to great places. this year there were two that applied to penn. one of them has a dad on penn board and basically said this:
A and B both want to get in for swimming at the same school and are pretty much swimming on the same level. Both meet with coach. coach likes them both, but only has the say-so to recruit one. A has better grades and credentials than B does. coach uses his freebie to recruit B, throws A into applicant pool, and hopes for the best. why? because B definitely wouldn’t have a chance to get in if he applied directly, so coach takes B in hopes that A’s grades are good enough to get him in, therefore he has the best of both worlds. either way, coach ends up with one good swimmer, but by recuiting B, he has a chance to get both on the team rather than just one.
This probably applies on a larger scale.
applied in real life: B already signed with penn. A waiting for ED results.
Did i make any sense?</p>
<p>One football player from my school.</p>
<p>I really want to walk on to the sprint football team if i get in</p>