Any Scholarship Help (Greatly Appreciated)

<p>Long story short, I have zero time to look through every scholarship. Between a school play and my staying with my father in the hospital, I have no time to look for scholarships.
I have already applied to all the ones that were in my school's counseling office, and a few online, but I know the deadlines are coming closer and I need major help. I'm not lazy, I'm just never home for more than twenty minutes because I have been in the hospital with my father constantly (he is going through very risky surgery) and when I'm not there, I'm required to be at a school play. Both of which were kind of unplanned. </p>

-Poverty-level. (~$18,000/year 3 people). EFC-10 (may be 0 shortly because our tax forms were wrong).
-Father is permanently disabled and medical costs come out of pocket.
-Michigan Resident.
-Will attend Michigan State University.
-GPA- 3.72.
-ACT- 33.
-Well over 500 hours of community service.
-President and co-founder of a nonprofit basketball league for a poor Detroit neighborhood.
-President and co-founder of Animal Rights club at school.
-Many, many theater shows.</p>

<p>Sorry that was a bit long and ramble-ly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much!</p>

<p>If you haven’t already done so you should look at the scholarships for Hispanic students, here are some from a quick google search:</p>

<p>[College</a> Grants and Scholarships for Students of Hispanic / Latino Heritage](<a href=“Home”>Home)</p>

<p>[Welcome</a> to the Hispanic College Fund!](<a href=“]Welcome”></p>

<p>[.::</a> Latino College ::.](<a href=“].::”></p>

<p>Thank. I already applied to all the HCF ones that I was eligible for, just waiting for recommendations :). </p>

<p>Any others?</p>

<p>Have you applied to any of the schools on Kiplinger’s list of 50 best private colleges and 50 best private universities? Here is the link:
[Rankings</a> for 100 Best Values in Private Colleges](<a href=“]Rankings”>Kiplinger | Personal Finance News, Investing Advice, Business Forecasts)
I know it is too late for this year, but may be worth considering for next year. You have good stats and are an URM which should help you get into some top schools. Some schools like the ivies, the NESCAC schools (Bates, Colby, Wesleyan, Trinity, Conn. College, Hamilton, Williams, Amherst, Middlebury, Tufts, Bowdoin), Gettysbury, Lafayette and others can be very affordable for someone with an EFC of 10. They will meet 100% of your demonstrated financial need. Good luck.</p>

<p>Thanks, but I am not planning on going out of state for school. I know it sounds pathetic, but I come from a close family and with my father’s health, I really want to be close in case something happens. I’d rather deal with debt than deal with not being with my family in a difficult time.</p>

<p>First off, good luck with everything, and I wish you and your father well!</p>

<p>Second… I have a couple sites bookmarked with tons of Hispanic scholarships that I’ve been going through. Since you don’t have much time, I’d hate to just dump tons and tons of links on you. So, mind if I ask a few questions?

  1. What major, if decided?
  2. Do you have certain strengths, like essays/art/etc.?
  3. Would you be able to find the time for those, if I recommended something with, say, an essay or other qualifications like that?
  4. Since some have due dates that already passed, do you also want me to recommend ones that you can apply for next year, to pay for your sophomore year?</p>

<p>Thanks for taking the time. Sorry I was in a bit of a rush before lol.</p>

<li><p>My degree is going to be Residential College in the Arts and Humanities (yes, that really is what the degree is called because it’s new). Double in Anthropology. Minor in either Spanish or Peace and Justice Studies. </p></li>
<li><p>Strengths- Essays. Like I said before, my charity work is what I am choosing to focus on. The league that I helped to found has already had over 200 children play in it and it is growing every year. </p></li>
<li><p>Yes. I can write the essays and stuff while I am in the hospital or the theater, and then really quickly type them up when I get home. The reason I have been able to respond quickly to posts is because I borrow my friend’s phone to check on here. It is really hard to search for scholarships on a phone though (because it’s hard to do those database things like fastweb on a phone). </p></li>
<li><p>Yes, that would be lovely. I know that many of the deadlines have passed, which is why I am working my butt off to get as many done as possible. </p></li>

<p>Any more questions and I’d be happy to answer. Thanks for the help :).</p>

<p>Here’s some I’ve narrowed it down to. First, forgive me for being unable to post links, but I’ll try. Second, they’re organized by due dates so you can apply to a bunch later on. Third, I’ll try to include any info on them as I write them. (Sorry, trying to find them as I type, so it’s going to be messy!)</p>


  1. Just want to suggest “***** DOT com”. It has a bunch of scholarships all over, if you’re really lucky. I’ve been on the site for three years, haven’t looked at my profile since freshman year, and I was just nominated for a $20k scholarship. Unfortunately, I don’t need it at all and am trying to push votes away from myself so someone who needs it gets it, but if your profile looks interesting, you stand a chance and winning something.
  2. You’ve probably done this, but match sure to check out your college site. Usually there’s more hidden scholarships than at first glance. For example, I got one for entering and was qualified for a few more by my major.
  3. If you took the PSAT junior year, make sure you aren’t skipping over your score. Happened to me: I never heard anything after that, and it took months before I finally realized I was a National Hispanic Scholar. Nearly lost a scholarship because of it since they never send out any bloody notification.</p>


  1. I saw an add for a Kohl’s Kids Who Care thing that you need to be nominated for. Don’t have the site on me, but I’ve seen it. If there’s a teacher who’ll put your name in, try it. You sound charitable enough to deserve it, at least.
  2. Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute: $50k, for community service and Latino community involvement (not sure if you qualify for the second, but if you do, it’s worth a ton)
  3. Davis-Putter Scholarship: $6k, for undergrads active in social justice (in case you do any community service relating to that)
  4. Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement [hace-us DOT org]: not sure amount, undergrad
  5. Hispanic Heritage Awards: not sure of much about this, but it’s pretty huge, lots of categories including community service. Also includes a laptop, tuition, a trip to Washington DC and Miami, and all that good stuff. Don’t know if traveling interests you right now, but at least it sounds like a ton of money.
  6. Hispanic Scholarship Fund: can’t remember if you mentioned you applied for these, but there’s a ton for seniors and undergrads</p>


  1. Frank O’Neill Memorial: $1k, essay on influential person
  2. Galvanize the Future: $2500, essay on why galvanizing is so awesome (not even sure what galvanizing is, but if you can pull it off…!)
  3. Jackie Robinson Foundation: $7.2k, need 1000/1600 SAT and recommendations. You seem to fit the qualifications perfectly, if you have that SAT score.
  4. KFC Colonel’s Scholars: $20k, must be in-state (which you are, yay!). Sweet deal, deadline is end of March.</p>


  1. Dale E. Fridell Memorial: $1k, open 4 times a year, I think it’s just a quick form with a few short essay questions about community service and college</p>


  1. Elder and Leemaur University Writing Scholarship: up to $10k, undergrad and high school, creative writing contest to be published</p>


  1. Ayn Rand Institute: $50-10k, essay on one of her books</p>


  1. Angel Soft: $1k-15k, must be nominated for charitable acts (and must be under 18)</p>


  1. Alvin James Cox Memorial [alvincoxmemorial DOT com]: $1,000, essay on why you deserve a scholarship</p>


  1. Diversity Essay Contest [sikhcoalition DOT org]: up to $1k, essay on racial profiling. Not sure if it’s still open, but once I post this, I’ll edit to see if all of these are still active).</p>

<p>I’ve only gotten through about half the scholarships I have to find matches, but I’ve got to head out soon. I’ll get back on this and finish it as soon as I can.</p>

<p>Wow. Thank you so much for taking the time to submit all of those. I have applied to a few of those, but many I have never heard of. You have no idea how helpful you’ve been!</p>

<p>One of my doctor friends is letting me use his computer to do scholarships because he feels bad for me lol. So I’m finally getting to fill some out :D.</p>

<p>Good luck getting them filled out! I hope the ones you hadn’t heard of are at least the ones worth something. (I hate $50 scholarships. Sure, every bit helps, but…)</p>

<p>Should have some more this afternoon. Expecting I’ll be home around 2 (well, not that the time translates to your time zone… two hours) and I’ll look around more.</p>

<p>Atomiccafe thanks for all the great info. My son is looking for latino scholarships too, he is only a junior, but better to start now. Thanks for all your work, how do you even start to compile such a great list. I would appreciate any info you have… My son fits some of the stats for the prior scholarships listed but do you know of more… Could you possiblly PM me the links or… He hopes to be an education or coaching major if that helps.</p>

<p>jersey, I know in Michigan that the state will pay up to $8000 worth of tuition for future teachers. You may want to see if the state where your son is going to school has the same type of program.</p>

<p>Back on, so I’ll try to get on finding more scholarships. Should be post them soon.</p>

<p>To Jersey: I’ll send a message in a minute, but in case you check the thread (or to anyone else who it looking and needs some help), do you also want scholarships he can apply to senior year?</p>

<p>And also for anyone else reading: most of the scholarships I have on me are for Latinas studying science, since that’s what I’m going in to. If anyone else needs me to filter out some links for them, just PM.</p>


  1. Salvadoran American Leadership and Education Fund: $500-2.5k, low-income Hispanics with community service
  2. SEVEN Fund Essay Contest: for undergrad/grad, $10k. Essay on a video linked on their site
  3. Target All-Around: under 24 years, $10k maximum, lots of money awards from stores
  4. Third Wave Scholarship: $500-5k, for low-income with community service
  5. U.S. Hispanic Leadership Institute (USHLI)-Dr. Juan Andrade Scholarship for Young Hispanic: not really sure about anything other than I think you qualify</p>


  1. Voice of the Future: $10k, due tomorrow (heh, whoops), speech/essay contest</p>


  1. StraightForward Media Minority Scholarship: another quick form with short essay questions, quarterly, gives $500</p>


  1. Pell Grant: Gives up to $4k or something for low-income, based on FAFSA. (Not sure if it’s really June, but it’s during the time of the FAFSA, which is Jan-June).</p>


  1. Sweet 16 Magazine Contest: $500-16k, girls submit a short personal story to the magazine</p>

<p>And… I’m out. At least fom site #1. If I find more, I’ll send them. If you think you need more, just PM or ask or whatever and I’ll get my butt in gear.</p>


<p>Thank you so much. I have checked out many of those and are filling them out. </p>

<p>The Pell Grants don’t need anything other than FAFSA, right?</p>

<p>Not entirely sure on the Pell Grant info, but I think it’s just FAFSA. I’m sure someone else on the site would know more than I do, so a thread search may be called for. I’ll try to look it up in the morning.</p>

<p>Haha, no you’ve already done more than enough. Thanks so much.</p>

<p>Just FYI, some of those links haven’t been updated in a year and a half. And the Third Wave Scholarship doesn’t exist anymore :frowning: (just for future reference).</p>

<p>ok so last year i did my fafsa and i received some cal grants. I graduated in 2008 from high school but I decided to take a year off. I turned in my fafsa for this year but I’m not sure if I have to turn in my GPA verification so I can receive cal grants. I guess my high school sent them my GPA so I had no idea that was even a requirement until today! Will it still be on file from last year???</p>

<p>you’re going to msu…are you in the honors college? your ACT score is good enough for a prof. assistantship…which can get you a job and scholarship money…is there anything else you can get from msu</p>

<p>I know you can’t really search, but go to the scholarship database on the website and look for stuff that applies to your major or basic area, since the major is new</p>

<p>that shouldnt take too long and there should only be a few people applying to them</p>

<p>good luck! see you at msu!</p>

<p>[Scholarships</a> for Latino students, 2007 - page one](<a href=“]Scholarships”>
[HACU</a> - Other Scholarship Resources](<a href=“]HACU”>
[Hispanic</a> College Fund | Eligibility & Deadlines](<a href=“,pageID.116/default.asp]Hispanic”>,pageID.116/default.asp)
[Grants</a>, Scholarships, and Other Opportunities for Minorities | APSA](<a href=“]Grants”>
[MALDEF:</a> General Scholarships](<a href=“MALDEF | The Latino Legal Voice for Civil Rights in America”>MALDEF | The Latino Legal Voice for Civil Rights in America)</p>

<p>No :frowning: I am not in the honors college because my class rank is too low (top 15%?), and you need to be in top 10%). </p>

<p>But PS: I am also Hungarian and Roma (Gypsy), so if anybody sees any scholarships from those please let me know!</p>