Any Texans in?

<p>i’m just curious if there are any ppl from Texas who got in and are considering going to u of a</p>

<p>I wonder if anyone would choose UA over U Texas/Austin or other way around. If so, why?</p>

<p>ME! for graduate school though. I'm from the Clear Lake Area.</p>

<p>well, first of all, i was born in arizona, it's a state that i love. second of all, i am a student from a private school and due to the ten percent rule, my chances of getting into study the major of my choice at the university of texas is a lot less likely than at the u of arizona. coming from a smaller high school than public school kids, the percentage of students in the top ten percent is a much smaller margin than in any public school.</p>

<p>UT is soo overcrowded because of that rule, that there are telling students to attend other UT branches, i.e. UT Arlington, UT Dallas, UT San Antonio, etc..., then transfer to UT for their junior year. Now, these schools are starting to get overcrowded esp. UTSA.</p>

<p>im glad that you mentioned that because im not sure if i got into UT yet. im assuming that i have not gotten in. my sister went through the provisional program when it was an option so she's pushing for me to go to UT, but i'm almost certain that i'm not going to get in to UT austin. ill definately consider that when im making my college decision.</p>

<p>sweetdreams, i don't think it's transferring your junior year..i believe you only have to go to one of the auxiliary schools(utsa, etc.) for ONE year and then transfer.</p>

<p>i dont think anybody said it was transfering ur junior year. u're right it's fresh year.</p>

<p>yeah it's only one year..and one of the repliers above said junior year. i just wanted to make sure there was no confusion b/c imapplying to UT this year too. but i thinks ome schools do make you go to another school for 2 years like fsu?</p>

<p>yea i'm sorry I got confused, my younger brother goes to UTSA, and I said it would be best for him to transfer for his junior year.</p>

<p>It's called the Coordinated Admission Porgram
(<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;)&lt;/p>

<p>yah but anyways, im not goign to ut i want to kno if anybody is going to arizona from texas</p>

<p>As a Texan, I think Tucson is beautiful EXCEPT for the lack of greenery. I was over there 3 weeks ago to visit the dept. and was hypnotized by the mountains almost surrounding the city. It's crazy. HOWEVER, I still LOVE the lone star state, and I will miss it during my stay in Tucson for the next 4-5 years.</p>

<p>I'm a Texan from Houston and I've applied to both UofA and UT. I doubt I will get into UT because of overcrowding from the 10% rule, but I think I like UofA better anyways. I think the campus is nicer. Out of the campuses I've seen from schools I'm considering (U of Houston, U of Texas, Arizona State, U of Arizona, and Tulane), U of Arizona is the 2nd nicest behind Tulane, a private school. Tucson may not be as nice a town as Austin, but I think it can be an interesting place to live for 4 years. The nature around there is beautiful; the city is surrounded by hills with cacti all over them and the weather seems to always be nice. UT may be a little more prestigious than UA, but I think that if you work hard enough and take the right classes (maybe honors), you can do well anywhere. Right now I think that U of Arizona is where I will go.</p>

<p>ut is ridiculous... almost ANYONE can get in if they just apply early i found out... i submitted my application on the second to last day and was put into the coordinate admission program which i'm not considering and i can honestly say i know some not-so-bright people who are into UT solely because they applied earlier, that along with the 10% rule just seems like their admission process just isn't effective at all, a girl in my class going to princeton also didn't manage to get into UT.... geez</p>

<p>anyway, i applied to university of arizona a couple days ago... very confident i'll be getting in, and praying they let me into the honors program. i visited there awhile back and met a couple really cool people including the lady who heads the honors program and her husband who is (the head?) of the science department and has been really helpful to me throughout the school year. I wish i had applied earlier, not sure if any honors spots are still available... i'm just crossing my fingers and hoping for the best</p>

<p>I know at U. of A. you can apply for honors' college after one semester. Anyone have housing assignments yet?</p>

<p>yeah i checked out utsa for the cap program and got a whole presentation on it, if u got into UA and UT CAP, go to UA. the CAP program has no seems liek its just gonna be a bunch of stress.</p>

<p>how does the CAP program have no guarantees? if you get a 3.2 with 30 transferrable credits, you're guaranteed admission into UT lib arts or nat sciences. good luck trying to go from UA to UT if you decide to. out of the 6000 applicants for transfer..only 2000 are accepted. and out of those 2000, 1300 are CAP students.</p>

<p>yeah, but what i mean by that is....the CAP program doesnt gaurantee you get into your program. Also, there's no garuntee that i get to take all of the classes necessary to complete in 4 years (a financial necessity for me). i went and spoke to them about the CAP program. they were vey discouraging and in the end, i decided that UT doesn't deserve to have me as a student. I am from a private school, much smaller than any public schools and not in the top 10%. i have a good academic background, it's just that in my school, the top 10% is like 15 ppl, most of which go to ivy league schools.</p>