<p>Any tips for writing the essay question?</p>
<p>does anyone have any tips or suggestions or comments?</p>
<p>umm how bout being a little more specific...?</p>
<p>ARe you talking about SAT 2 writing? Admissions essays? School essays??</p>
<p>Any tips, suggestions or comments for Admissions essays?</p>
<p>Anyone have tips, suggestions or comments for the Admissions essays?</p>
<p>Be yourself! My english teacher said its not your typical essay (opening, 3 support paragraphs, closing), its more of just writing out your feelings. Its hard since day 1 i've always been writing essays by the school way and now they want us to do something completly different. Try to incorporate dialog, quotes, anything to make it stand out. Get a college essay book for ideas; but DONT COPY! They will def. know if you did.
<p>Thanks for the tip! Is the essay suppose to be a persuasive essay (thesis??)</p>
<p>hmm... Yes i think, just telling them a glimpse of your life basically.</p>
<p>Hey I found some information on past threads!</p>
<p>"As for the essays and recs, get teachers that like you- not even ones that you got a perfect grade in- but teachers that like you and are friendly and good writers. Try not to use cliches in your essay- some of the best ones I've read are a little quirky, but always poignant and tell a lot about the writer. A tip than many people use is just sitting down in a quiet place and writing the first thing that comes to your mind about the essay topic-no editing, no erasing, almost like a stream-of-consciousness. YOu can get some of your best ideas that way. And, of course, have a couple trusted adults look it over, and check for grammar and spelling."</p>
<p>Anyone got anything to add?</p>
<p>Any tips for writing the essay question?</p>
<p>Find the essay prompt online and then copy and paste it into a word document. Alternatively, find the essay prompt online and then copy it by hand onto a sheet of paper using a writing utensil of your choice.</p>
<p>Seriously though, write in a way that you feel best reveals yourself as a person to the reader, regardless of the topic or format.</p>
<p>SPOILER: No typical essay in the real world is a 5-paragraph essay. Too bad most teachers will punish you for writing anything but.</p>
<p>Lawlz. This one’s a classic.</p>