Any way of getting specific score reports?

<p>As I understand your AP score in the mail just gives you 1,2,3,4,5. Is there any way to get your specific scores on the multiple choice/essay sections?</p>

<p>Nope. That's how much CB actually cares.</p>

<p>Well, your teachers get information about how well the school did as a whole and the relative strengths and weaknesses of the test takers to help the teacher focus on teaching topics for the next year. I don't think teachers get individual essay scores. </p>

<p>It kind of stinks that you don't get to find out about how well you really did on the DBQ you thought you nailed or the problem you thought. It's easier to predict FRQ scores with problems, though, since the scoring rubric is released.</p>

<p>Can you imagine how many requests for regrading they would get if you found out you missed the cut score for the next grade up by 1 point?</p>

<p>And the schools only get those reports if they pay additional $$$ for them. I know my school does not.</p>