<p>Someone told me that the Coop has copies for sale? True? Do they still print it at all? My S wants to just skim it which isn't easy to do if it is just online the way Harvard has it.</p>
<p>I actually called the registrar to ask this same question a couple months ago. They said that they don’t publish hard copies of the course catalog at all. It is really hard to to keep everything straight online because you can’t bookmark, underline etc…</p>
<p>The easiest way to do it is to copy and paste the course listings that are of interest into a word processor. It’s messy, but it works.</p>
<p>Have you used either of the PDFs on this page?</p>
<p>[Harvard</a> University FAS Registrar’s Office: Courses](<a href=“http://www.registrar.fas.harvard.edu/fasro/ugrad/handbook.jsp?cat=ugrad&subcat=information]Harvard”>http://www.registrar.fas.harvard.edu/fasro/ugrad/handbook.jsp?cat=ugrad&subcat=information)</p>
<p>I just went through the majors list online. On my.harvard.edu, on the courses tab, you can search for courses you want. This is frustrating. However, go to advanced search, and you can limit the results to courses offered this year, and read through all the majors you’re interested in. Don’t specify anything but the level of difficulty (maybe), that it’s offered this year, and the major. </p>
<p>It really helped me, because I hadn’t really thought about taking any art history courses before I looked at the listings under it. Painting history? Pfwahhhhnasty. Greek sculpture or Gothic cathedrals or Ottoman books, on the other hand? So exciting! It doesn’t require any PDF-downloading, and you can save the courses you’re interested in by checking a box and then “add to planner.” I came up with an initial list of 50 or 60 a semester, but have been whittling it down for a while.</p>
<p>I interpreted the Ops question as needing degree requirements not individual classes. If it is the later then my.harvard.com is much better since you can directly access the Q guide as well. If they are looking for consolidated degree requirements the pdf files might be of use.</p>