A Printed Course Catalog?

<p>Does such a thing exist? It would be lovely to be able to thumb thru multiple majors and electives and actually cuddle up with it…kind of like a dream book!</p>

<p>If so, how would I go about obtaining one?</p>

<p>I love the net, but paging back and forth between colleges at UA is proving to be a big pain.</p>

<p>(All DD asked is whether she could take ballet as an elective, and I’ve been noodling around for hours on the site!)</p>

<p>They have them in the Ferg. M2CK advised us to bring one home when we visited. Don’t use it much with everything available online and my ipad tethered to my hip at all times. I don’t thing new one’s have been printed in awhile though.</p>

<p>Does this help at all? [University</a> of Alabama Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>It lists dance classes and their prerequisites. Don’t know how to obtain a printed catalog. I’d call UA and ask: (205) 348-6010.</p>

<p>You can also call the theater and dance department to ask about electives.</p>

<p>Students get one at Bama Bound! I didn’t know they were available in the Ferg…that’s actually good to know, since I lost mine before Bama Bound ended, and it might be nice to have a paper copy.</p>

<p>It is very important to keep a hard copy of the catalog underwhich you ENTERED your degree program. The rules therein are a contract between you and the university, and if degree plans or requirements are changed later, YOU are still able to complete that degree under the catalog in effect your freshman year.</p>

<p>I know. Beleive me.</p>

Very true. </p>

<p>You’ll get a hard copy at BB. There are also online copies of the various years online. </p>

<p>The catalog that your child will use may not be out yet. Your D is a rising senior in high school, right? I think the newest catalog is for this fall’s frosh only (in the past, they were for 2 years of frosh classes). </p>

<p>Yes, the student and the school use the catalog that the student enrolls with…that’s a common rule across all schools. :)</p>

<p>Yes, she is a rising senior, but wanted to see the actual courses for marketing, and marketing statistics, and public relations, and advertising, and musical theater, and theater, and dance, and spanish, and honors, and…</p>

<p>Jumping around to look on the website was too, too much, so I thought “how great it would be to have a hard copy” (even though it would not be the exact one she entered with, at least she can compare the course offerings to those offered by other schools as well as starting to dream about life after high school …we’ll try to get one when we visit in May</p>

<p>[Contact</a> Information - Undergraduate Admissions - The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://gobama.ua.edu/contact/]Contact”>http://gobama.ua.edu/contact/)</p>

<p>If you go to this page and click on Request Materials, you can have a catalog sent to you.</p>

<p>UA officially ended the printing of course catalogs for students starting with the 2010-2012 catalog. Professors received printed copies of the course catalog and there were some excess copies printed, but the vast majority of students do not have printed copies. As UA is switching to annual catalogs rather than biannual ones, even fewer printed copies will be produced.</p>

<p>I agree that having a printed copy of the course catalog is very useful as it has allowed me to discover rules and exceptions that has allowed me to better personalize my UA experience.</p>

<p>“It is very important to keep a hard copy of the catalog underwhich you ENTERED your degree program. The rules therein are a contract between you and the university, and if degree plans or requirements are changed later, YOU are still able to complete that degree under the catalog in effect your freshman year.”</p>

<p>And believe me…they WILL change!</p>

<p>If it will now be difficult to get a printed copy of the relevent undergrad catalog, then I guess people will have to print out relevent sections if they want to sit and thumb thru and maybe highlight/mark on pages. </p>

<p>Bama has been a holdout for being strictly online. Many other schools haven’t given hard copies for years…obviously a cost saving/paper saving decision.</p>

<p>SEA_Tide…when will the 2012-2013 catalog be available online?</p>

<p>I just got on the site and did the “Request Info” as suggested above and, among other things SPECIFCALLY requested a printed course catalog, so we’ll see.</p>

<p>I did this too! ^^^</p>

<p>Thanks M2CK!</p>

<p>I have no idea when the 2012-2013 catalog will be online. AFAIK, final submissions/changes were done in November and the Bama Bounds start soon, so it should be available within the next couple of weeks.</p>

<p>I got my “catalog” today. They sent me the out-of-state edition of the undergrad pamphlet.</p>

<p>Same here. Not really a catalog. Oh well!</p>

<p>Ha! Son got email from local/state rep, pointing him in the direction of the online catalog + offering to give names of advisors if he needed them. </p>

<p>Has anyone called UA/talked w/ advisors yet about course selection, etc.? </p>

<p>I am VERY nervous about course selection on day 2 of BB…there is a narrow window of time that we have to finalise everything face-to-face, so to speak. We have a plane to catch (so have to leave from UA at noon, on the dot), and I gather if there are problems, son needs to talk w/ various people about schedule conflicts, etc.</p>

<p>I really wish there were a program/system whereby you plug in the courses (all of them), and it spits out a variety of possible schedules for you. It is driving us both mad here trying to work it out, shuffling between departments reqs, and trying to do it all online…I am a visual person and my brain has not evolved to do it all electronically…</p>

<p>Last year my D wrote to some of the advisers and asked her questions. The dept head and others were very responsive.</p>

<p>On registration day, I think you should plug in your most desired classes first. For instance, you have 2 classes you must have. Plug those in first. Then go back into the registration and add the rest of the classes (CRN numbers). </p>

<p>You definitely need many backup plans. I know it is frustrating. Have you and your S figured out one perfect schedule? </p>

<p>I would also check the morning of registration to see if the classes are closed. Learn what to do if you need an override. I kept a list of names and phone numbers of anyone my D would have to contact. Believe it or not but she got the schedule she wanted without problems. I think it is good to do all of the worrying now. Hopefully, it will work out for you and your son. </p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Hi. Are you saying if a class is closed Someone can still let you in? My s is registering in july. We have been researching classes and it is a fear that the class may be closed. Any advice will be helpful!!</p>

<p>It is possible to get an override. I don’t know if it is from the adviser or teacher. Some classes have waitlist seats. Hopefully Sea_Tide or M2CK will give a better explanation.</p>

<p>I don’t know how your child has their schedule arranged but they could consider taking classes in the late afternoon or even at night. If they are living on campus it doesn’t matter when the class occurs. My D had classes from 3pm until 5 pm on 2 days. Worked out fine.</p>