Anybody else ready to just kick the kid out of the house?

<p>It’s all just dragging on forever… Bama Bound… pay this fee or that deposit… adjust the class schedule… football tickets… buy new clothes… watch some alcohol video… open bank account… oops you forgot this fee… parking pass… shower caddy… immunizations… adjust class schedule again… dimensions of the room… check book lists… adjust schedule again… wait, no, I liked it the way it was… oh crap I need a printer… can I have a chinchilla in the room… </p>


<p>yes, but not for any of the reasons you mentioned.</p>

<p>I have three heading out in August - all out of state (freshman in college, sophomore in college, and first year grad student). My house is drowning in dorm supplies, my checkbook is emptying by the day, and the paperwork to be filled out (health forms, book reservation forms, housing contracts, tuition bills, etc…) is growing by leaps and bounds on my kitchen island. Sigh.</p>

<p>Out of the house, in the rear - wherever it is most effective. Did I mention I was out of sorts with DS today?</p>

<p>Slippy2000 - I kind of know how you feel…It is just one thing after another, huh? Just when I think we are done, we think of something else!</p>

<p>Oh boy, we need that “LIKE” button!!! I just know everything will be last minute with my dear D, hard to get her movitivated to do anything but have fun right now.</p>



<p>Not unless he can tell you the derivation of the chinchilla’s name. </p>

<p>The animal, whose name literally means “little chincha,” is named after the Chincha people of the Andes, who once wore its dense, velvet-like fur. Aren’t you glad you know that now? :)</p>

<p>I remember oh-so-well the Moses Syndrome y’all seem to be suffering from. You know, that feeling where you just want to put your kid in a basket and send him/her down the river.</p>

<p>They’ll be out the door before you know it. Roll Tide.</p>

<p>Remember to be thankful your kids are healthy enough, mentally and physically, to go away to school! I wish I were in your position.</p>

<p>Not sure of your story, MaineLonghorn, but I do agree with what you have said, and feel for you… So sorry. I am ready for my son to go to college, but not because he is driving me nuts (not that he doesn’t do this at times, of course - Hee! Hee!), but because I am so excited for him! So much awaits at UA! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Thanks for putting it into perspective, MaineLonghorn.</p>

<p>As the DW of a DH who once agreed to let a DD have a chinchilla, I have three words of advice.</p>

<p>DON’T DO IT!</p>

<p>Roll Tide.</p>

<p>malanai - in the case of our kids, wouldn’t ‘Moses Syndrome’ be referred to as ‘Roll Tide on the River’?</p>

<p>Got to be honest - my son is the one thing providing stability in my life right now. He’s happy, healthy and easy going. I hate to think of him leaving. I thought I could handle it better than I am…but reality is setting in and I’m having difficulty holding it together.</p>

<p>I chuckle at this thread – I am the total opposite. The commercial where the father sees his 5 or 6 year old girl in his car, and it really is his teenage girl about to borrow the car, that could be me… It is killing me for my oldest about to leave (2 more daughters right behind her). And I’m only 2.5 hours away – not sure how many of you can do it, many states away.</p>

<p>I know, RTRMom2 and BamaAF, </p>

<p>It’s just <em>so</em> much easier deciding to be a little irritated instead of having a complete emotional breakdown because my ‘bonus’ baby is leaving the nest, flying the coop, hitting the road, Jack…</p>

<p>aeromom, wherever you are, want to join me in a good cry?</p>

<p>Almost every neighbour who has gone thru this has advised me that ‘yes, you WILL be ready to kick him out’, but so far this feeling has not yet happened. This is testament to how much he has grown up and matured in the last year, I’m sure, as he is really quite rational and reasonable to live with at present. I think he, too, appreciates the subtle changes that are happening every day as we inch closer to the send-off, and he is trying his best to be a very positive part of the family these last few weeks, as we all know the family dynamics will change forever. </p>

<p>If you are in the other camp, look for the reasons why someone (kid or self) might be difficult to live with and help each other - it is probably anxiety-based, and while you want to strangle around the neck, you really need a bear hug around the waist instead. Awwwwwww…</p>

<p>Ooops, NRD, I posted this right at same time you did…so, yeah, give me a PM/byte/call! :)</p>

<p>I’m looking forward to seeing my son in two days. He’s been gone since May 12, first to his internship in American Samoa and then on holiday to Western Samoa and New Zealand. He stays four days and leaves to make a presentation in DC. Then, he’s home five days before heading to Bama. </p>

<p>At least he’s had an awesome summer. And Malanai, he’ll be stopping your way en route to the mainland, but the layover in the wee hours of the morning and only for a short time. Still, he will enjoy those moments in Hawaii.</p>

<p>aeromom - </p>

<p>My psychic abilities are ever awesome.</p>

<p>" buy new clothes"</p>

<p>Been there, done that…after all those years of Catholic school uniforms (what a pile of logo’d polos we had!)</p>

<p>I spent the year before each went to college going thru clearance clothing finding off-season bargains for the following years.</p>

<p>mainelonghorn…prayers for you and yours. I’ve read your posts where you’ve mentioned what y’all are going thru. </p>

<p>{{{ hugs and prayers }}}</p>

<p>No, I don’t want him out, I don’t want him 12 hours away, perhaps I can crawl into one of the underbed storage containers and watch over him. </p>

<p>I’m missing him already, I’ll miss his mess, his rolling his eyes at me, my constantantly reminding him to do stuff and all the shoes and flip flops all over the place.</p>

<p>What will I do with my self. Boo hoo!</p>