Anybody know any colleges in phoenix Arizona

does anyone know any good colleges in phoenix arizona, i’m thinking about moving there someday.

Have you determined if you have completed a college preparatory curriculum (and if not, what coursework you still need and how to complete it)? Did you determine what type of environments/supports you will need to succeed in college? Those things must be your first priorities before you consider individual colleges.

Secondly you need to determine the economic feasibility of moving to Phoenix. Do your parents support such a move?

Once you have done the above and determine that you are ready for college and can afford to move I suggest you then google “colleges in Phoenix” and do some basic research (ex. look at college websites, look at some college guide books etc.) before asking on CC.

Arizona State University has two of its campuses in Phoenix, and its main campus in nearby Tempe.

@happy1 i haven’t told my parents about it

IMO you need to take the steps I outlined above (and follow the advice on your other thread) before you jump to moving and attending college. Do the work and take one step at a time.

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college isn’t the only reason on why i want to move there

@happy1 i have a lot of reasons

You specifically asked about colleges (and this is a college-centric website).

You need to talk to your parents and decide if and how you can finance a move to AZ (and support yourself if need be). That is the first step.

When is “someday”. For college purposes, your parent state of residence will be used to determine residency costs for public universities until you are 24. So…you would be on the hook for out of state college fees in Arizona.

I will say…Maricopa county (where Phoenix is located) has a great and large community college system. But as noted above, you need to first and foremost figure out what you would be able to do there, and what supports are available to help you succeed.

Most community colleges are open admission meaning anyone can apply and attend…if they can pay the costs.

I will add, Phoenix has become very pricey in terms of rentals.


ASU is in the Phoenix area. It has 4 campuses, but main one is in Tempe. Maricopa county has several community colleges also.


when im old enough to move @thumper1

That’s not an answer. Some people move away from home when they are 18. Some 19, some 25. Some never.

In your case, this is very important because it will affect the actual costs you pay to attend Arizona public colleges. If you are an out of state student, you will pay a LOT more.

And how will you pay the costs to live there? One of my kids was living in a VERY small apartment and the rent is now $1350 a month. That included zero in utilities.

In addition, Phoenix is a driving town. Public transportation is around in some areas, but to get to many many things, you will need a car. And that’s no bargain either.

I’m not trying to be a Debbie downer here, but I think you have many many things you have not considered.

And why are you even choosing to move to Phoenix?


i have friends there

one of them will let me live with them i already talked with them about it @thumper1

ASU in-state COA (cost of attendance) according to their website is in the $31-32k/year range. For OOS (out of state) student, add about $19,000 in extra tuition to that total per year. Standard Tuition Costs | ASU

According to Residency | ASU Students | ASU, in order to establish in-state student status, you need to meet the following criteria:

If you are going to file a petition to declare yourself as an independent student, then the criteria are:

  • provide proof of domicile & continuous physical presence in AZ for 12 continuous months
  • provide proof of financial independence
  • overcome the presumption that you are in AZ primarily to be a student

If you’re a dependent student (this means that your parents claim you as a dependent on their annual tax returns), then the criteria are:

  • provide proof that you & your parents are domiciled in AZ and your parents are entitled to claim you as a dependent for tax purposes
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IF, however, you are planning on first attending community college in AZ, then there are several community college options in the Phoenix area. They are:

  • Chandler-Gilbert
  • Estrella Mountain
  • Gateway
  • Glendale
  • Mesa
  • Paradise Valley
  • Phoenix
  • Rio Salado
  • Scottsdale
  • South Mountain

Website with more info is
Tuition & fees info for Maricopa county community colleges:

Basically, for the community colleges, if you’re considered an in-state student, it’s $85/credit hour. Otherwise, if you’re an out-of-state student, it’s $326/credit hour (~$1000/class for a 3-unit class).

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Hi, @rose_23 ! I’ve been following your threads and want to commend you on your desire to continue your education! Good for you and good luck to you!

I agree with others that you need to have a serious conversation with your counselors and parents to discuss your goals and work out a realistic plan. There are too many unanswered questions for us to help you much in an anonymous forum. However, if you would answer more questions here you may receive guidance that will help you as you work with your local support system.

Please answer ALL questions. I am numbering them so you can number your responses too. If you do not know, ask someone before responding here. I say this with kindness… you need to be proactive and take initiative if you hope to accomplish your goals. It is normal to be nervous and scared about trying new things, but take it one step at a time. :grinning:

  1. What type of diploma will you receive from your current high school? Regents, Local, Certification? Ask someone at your school.

  2. What type of support do you currently receive in your high school?

  3. Have you been tested recently? If not, you should ask about a new assessment to determine what supports you need in college or tech school.

  4. Did you contact HireAbility Vermont as suggested in your other thread?

  5. How will you pay for college/tech school and your living expenses (food, clothes, etc)? Are your parents going to support you financially?


Given what you posted in the following thread about being a special needs student, you really should consider U of A in Tucson instead of ASU if you are serious about wanting to attend college in Arizona. U of A has a program called SALT (Strategic Alternative Learning Techniques) which provides really excellent support for students with learning disabilities. Participating in the SALT program does involve an extra fee, though.

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  1. IEP diploma
  2. yes
  3. no i can’t
  4. my parents will help

[quote=“DramaMama2021, post:17, topic:3624770”]
What type of support do you currently receive in your high school?
[/quote] i don’t really understand what you mean by that

18 or 19 @thumper1