<p>If both schools offer your major and you get accepted to both, which one are you rejecting? Why?</p>
<p>well, since I applied for EECS in berkeley and got in as an EE major at SLO, I might stick with SLO.
EECS at berkeley is way too time consuming and is possibly the toughest major (supposedly) on campus (plus I’d have to tag on lots of computer science courses - which I don’t really like). also, those admitted for EECS at berkeley are all geniuses who lacked, in some form or another, outstanding achievements outside the norm that could get them into MIT, Stanford, Caltech, and the Ivy’s. instead, they’ve aced and mastered almost all concepts in their math and science classes. competing with such people could get me (heck! anyone for that matter) discouraged instantly. my last argument against berkeley is that it costs 10k more every year (that’s a total of 40k+) than cal poly. if cal poly offered me some major scholarships, i’d be better off health-wise and financially attending there than berkeley.</p>
<p>so, what’s your pick, zac?</p>