<p>This class is waaaay too time-consuming given that it is a public health class. The project was ridiculous. My group spent a good 30 hours putting it together, meaning after we had already done our initial research. Not to mention that trying to set up a meeting with the GSI's to discuss our project (like they TOLD US to do) was a nightmare on its own because at least 2 of the GSIs kept pulling the "i'm too busy this week to meet with you guys" crap.</p>
<p>AND the final is going to suck, because there has been no time to study because of the stupid project.</p>
<p>I hate how they sneakily make the final review session essentially mandatory by saying "this paper is going to be on the final", even though it is effing Friday 2-4... why do we have to meet for this class for 6 hours this week alone??</p>
<p>Now, I HATE this class. Everyone in my group hates this class. Why do they need to make it so miserable?!</p>
<p>This class single-handedly makes me regret doing public health. THAT IS HOW AWFUL IT IS.</p>
<p>haha im curious…what have the average scores been for the midterms…i recall them being high 70s/low 80s last spring</p>
<p>i was ****ed considering that everyone had told me it was a surefire A class…they make the questions so damn tricky</p>
<p>I am a third year and is currently deciding whether to take this class Spring or next Spring. It would be great of either of you guys can answer my questions 
- How much percentage of your final grade is dependent upon the group project? Is it a hard project and should you find reliable people to work with? I know a lot of friends taking it this Spring who I would trust to work with for the project but if I take it next spring, I wouldn’t know any reliable people to work with for the project. Would this be a problem?
- If I took PH 142 this fall, would it be better to continue with 150a in the spring? I know biostats is a prereq for 150a but how much of biostats do we have to remember? Would I be at a disadvantaged if I take 150a next spring when I might forget most of my biostats? What concepts from 142 should I review and go over before taking the class.
- How many midterms are there? Can you guys explain how our grade is broken down (i.e. how many % is for midterms, final, project, etc.)?</p>
<p>Any advice would be appreciated, thanks :)!</p>
<p>This is an old post, but hope it still helps.</p>
<li>I think it was 20%. My group got a B even though we worked our butts off on it.</li>
<li>There is minimal biostats in this class, but the professors still manage to mind*** you in other ways</li>
<li>2 midterms + 1 final if I remember correctly. I don’t remember the percentages, but the final isn’t heavily weighted over the midterms</li>
<p>I wouldn’t take this class though unless you have to (if you’re a PH major). It was awful. I took it as a 2nd semester senior and it drained the fun out of my life.</p>