Anyone else upset about the weather?

<p>It was 85 degrees here in LA yesterday. Way too hot.</p>

<p>-36 wind chill here in Minneapolis. Jealous?</p>

<p>^ I second that. The weather here sucks ass like hell.</p>

<p>Edit:double post.</p>

<p>Minneapple is ghetto :D</p>

<p>The snow bank next to my driveway is about 4-5 feet deep. Snow sucks</p>

<p>No snow :(</p>

<p>minnesota. we pwn you guys.</p>

<p>Fellow Minnesotans: Suck it up. The cold’s not that bad if you know how to drive in the snow and wear appropriate clothing.
People in my school are wimps, since through the entire first period today we got PA announcements saying that "Students are stuck in traffic, and the late students are all reporting to be very cold; students arriving late are being served hot cocoa and will be marked tardy to class blah blah.‘’
Absolutely sickening. It’s damn Minnesota.</p>

<p>Today was cold though, driving home frm school w/o gloves.</p>

<p>I’d take your 85 any day though.</p>

<p>I wasn’t complaining, the cold isn’t that bad and the driving is so fun when it’s not backed up. Drifting on ice is the greatest after school activity ever.</p>

<p>That drifting concept scares the living hell out of me. I was on the Bloomington Ferry Bridge going northbound (minneapolis) last winter and I managed to do a 540 into southbound traffic and completely totaled my car. I was traumatized.
I try to take the routes with the least amount of turns in the winter these days.</p>

<p>Snow sucks, I hate the friggin cold, can’t wait to go to college down south.</p>

<p>Hahaha wishwash, I understand that ideology too. My friend drives carelessly and has slid into 3 cars this winter already. Bridges are not the place to get loose…especially near MOA, that sounds terrifying.</p>

<p>What’s REALLY fun is when you realize that YOU are the reason that traffic is backed up for 15 miles. Apparently when I got into my accident, there was a scroll sign warning people about it nearly 20 miles up the road in Brooklyn Park.</p>

<p>How embarrasing.</p>

<p>WishWash: C’mon.Seriously this weather could break my bones, since I slip on the ice so much an I’m also deprived of my vitamin d.</p>

<p>It’s hard to drift on the ice in Los Angeles, because (ignoring the lack of ice for a second) there’s always a car three feet in front.</p>

<p>It happened on 169 about 1/4 of a mile into Shakopee, right where the northbound/southbound lanes come back together with a small median. Every time I pass that spot now I get the chills. </p>

<p>Gahdd dammit. bad memories.</p>

<p>On foot? Nobody in LA walks anywhere.</p>

<p>It felt like 90 at 8:00 this morning :)</p>

<p>high of 15 degrees. word.</p>