Anyone going to Andover Day?

<p>Just wondering... was everyone invited or just us locals? We live within 1 hr of Andover.</p>

<p>yea I was invited too… and I live in TAIWAN!!!</p>

<p>I really wanna go though! if you go, tell me what it’s like!</p>

<p>Oh, that’ funny! One of the topics said, “Life as a local boarder” so I thought it was only for locals! hahaha </p>

<p>What in the world is a local boarder then? :)</p>

<p>Cool, you are in Taiwan, did you interview with an alum or by phone?</p>

<p>If we go I will definitely post a report for everyone.</p>

<p>PA-C, I would think of a “local boarder” as a student whose family lives near to the school. I believe Andover requires applicants from nearby towns to apply as day students. (search…) O.K., here are the restrictions:</p>

<p>Students residing in the towns of Andover and North Andover must apply as day students. </p>

<p>Applicants from the following cities and towns have a choice of applying as either a day student or boarding student: </p>

<p>• In Massachusetts: Boxford, Bradford, Dracut, Georgetown, Groveland, Haverhill, Lawrence, Lowell, Lynnfield, Methuen, Middleton, North Reading, Reading, Tewksbury and Wilmington. </p>

<p>• In New Hampshire: Atkinson, Pelham, Plaistow and Salem. </p>

<p>So, a student from Lowell who boarded would qualify as a “local boarder.” I’d assume that a student from Worcester, a little further away, would also qualify as a local boarder. </p>

<p>In Massachusetts, the traffic patterns during rush hour can make it very difficult for a family to commit their child to a school as a day student.</p>

<p>Periwinkle: Thanks, that’s what I thought since we are about an hour away in NH I would consider our son a local boarder. We are not in one of the towns listed as day students so he would have to board if accepted. It was confusing to me that they sent the invite to someone in Taiwan though. The first lecture is entitled “Life as a local boarder” but there are also games listed you can go to and you go to presentations about different departments so maybe they sent it to all applicants and not just to day students and local boarders as I originally thought. I am way overthinking this thing now since it’s just an open house type event… LOL</p>

<p>Hey guys, how did you get your invitation? Do you think maybe it’s because you weren’t able to tour the campus before? Not getting an invite is freaking me out >.<

<p>Uh oh, istoleyournose, maybe they LOST your application!
Haha, just kidding. I haven’t gotten an invitation yet either, but that could be because I live in England. Then again, glitters426 got one and he/she lives in Taiwan so maybe I should be worried too… I don’t think so though, I HOPE not!</p>

<p>istoleyournose! - do NOT be freaked out. Whether it was delayed, or not sent to you because of geography - whatever the reason, Andover would NEVER signal admission’s intentions by publicly sending Andover Day invitations to some kids and not others. Do not worry one iota.</p>

<p>Thanks Parlabane and TomTheCat, I know I shouldn’t be worried, I’m kindof hanging on every thing any school does >.< can’t wait till March 10</p>

<p>istoleyour nose: We received it by mail the day before the school went on break- which was the same day we interviewed so they didn’t know anything about us when they mailed it so don’t be worried! </p>

<p>I know what you mean about hanging on everything a school does- I have not received any emails from Andover at all and Tom the Cat has received tons from clubs and stuff. If anything THAT would be bad sign. I really think this mailing was meant for locals due to the lecture called “Life as a LOCAL boarder”, maybe the one letter to Taiwan was a mistake?</p>

<p>Parlabene: Now I’m worried, would a school tip off their intention by NOT sending club emails? I’m hoping it’s just cuz we interviewed the day before break and the info for the clubs comes from the interview. Has everyone who interviewed received club emails or just Tom the Cat?</p>

<p>Yes, I have gotten some e-mails… but I think it was only because I expressed very strong interest in those certain things.</p>

<p>I don’t think it’s a bad sign. =]</p>

<p>Did anyone else go to this today?</p>

<p>Yes my son went with my husband. How did you like it? They found it interesting and liked seeing the students. When s interviewed it was during break right before Christmas so there were basically no students on campus.</p>

<p>I didn’t get any club emails though…
should I be freaked out too?</p>

<p>PA-C, we flew over to get the interviews done sometime in October…</p>

<p>You know I think the emails/calls are kind of random and depend on if you filled out certain questionairres online. We have had no emails about clubs from andover. However we did get our first call from a coach yesterday - not from Andover but from a school we didn’t end up applying too- also a top tier school in anyone’s book. I don’t know why we got the call. Maybe they want to up applications so admissions asks the coaches to call? Maybe they need more players for that sport? I am trying not to worry so much since it is out of our control at this point. But I certainly sympathize with you glitters 426!</p>


<p>I already went to a few of these local bording recruits. There is a huge push to get local borders to attend Andover. Anyone livng locally and wishing to apply as a boarder has a significant advantage. Seems that Andover has realized they have enough diversity and are currently pushing to have local borders attend as these students have a unique impact on the school. Local borders often take Foreign students home over the holidays ect.</p>

<p>I already attended one of these events. Good time. Can’t say I am veryinterested in Andover though</p>

<p>Why did you apply there then? Just curious- not trying to be rude or anything.</p>

<p>Could you elaborate more on why local boarders have a significant advantage? How did you get that impression? Do you know any local boarders? Day students could also take foreign students home over the holidays.</p>

<p>I am applying for the heck of it. Honestly I probably won’t even be accepted. My dad loves Andover and has been really pushing me to apply. Andover is not in any way a bad school, I just don’t like the feel I got when I was on campus. I don’t like its size, prestige ect. </p>

<p>If I had known this in advance, I would not be applying! My teachers and coaches have already spent time writing recs and I alrady hd a tour and interview. All I need to do is complete to application. Oh well, I might as well do it.</p>

<p>In response to chaidrinker,</p>

<p>Andover has hosted multiple events inteded for local borders. I am just speculating when I say this, but in my opinion Andover realizes that they are an extremeley diverse community already. My sister attend another well know ISL school, the school always asks if we are able to have students stay with us during school breaks. Last time they asked about some German kid. They also occasionally ask if my mom want to volunteer in the admissions office. I think they asked if she wanted to give discuss the lives of local borders and local day students. Yes day students can do this too, but day students are usually not as friendly with international students as they do not live with them…Also borders are more likely to have a international stay with them because parents of borders tend to be more interested in having borders stay with them. Day student parents are less adventerous.</p>