Anyone going to Dominican next year?

<p>Or for that matter, is anyone attending now who would like to report on it?</p>

<p>LOL My DD's bff is going there in the fall. I'll try to pull info out of her as time goes on but I thought it was hysterical that our college searches have crossed yet another path. :D</p>

<p>This is too funny, and coincidental! Thanks for any input- the Dominican website meets several of D's starting criteria, so I'd love to have more info to share with her. </p>

<p>I'm waiting for D's GC to give her his long list suggestions. Then I'll give her my suggestions (I'm pretty sure she will ask me.).<br>
THEN, I'll be writing to you to ask your opinion of what stays on the list. I suspect that you have already checked out 95 % of the schools that we are going to be looking at this summer.</p>