anyone got in cal but no submit SIR yet?

<p>i got in Cal, but since i haven't get my financial aid status, i didn't submit SIR yet. i think their financial aid status will be out early May</p>

<p>anyone on the same boat?</p>

<p>I did not submit my SIR but it was not because of financial aid.</p>

<p>I haven't submitted it yet but I fully intend to go there no matter what the financial aid package is. I just don't have $100 to submit it right now.</p>

<p>anyone else?</p>

<p>I think you can submit your SIR without paying the $100 right now. It gives you the option of mailing a check before June 1st.</p>

<p>Oh really? Let me go check that out right now. I was too excited to read directions. Thanks!</p>

<p>Woooo! I just submitted my SIR!!!!</p>

<p>Hey Carol! I'm waiting for the same thing actually, although everyone I know is telling me to go to CAL anyways...</p>

<p>me too, you got any updated financial aid status yet???</p>

<p>I had problems with my passphrase, but now it's fine now. So I went to the bearfacts in order to check on the financial aid status. It seems like I'm missing some I'll have to see what I have to complete (I'm at work so I won't do this until I'm at home). </p>

<p>How 'bout you carol? Receive any good news?!</p>

<p>Onigenghiskhan , it shows that i got some missing document too. however it doesn't show what i have missed... so weird.. for all other UCs i am fine..i e-mailed financial aid officer about what's going on, hope they'll get back to me by friday.</p>