Anyone gotten a booster shot?

Suburban Philly appointments are fairly easy to schedule, although Fridays and Saturdays fill up much faster. Right now I could schedule for this week with limited availability and next week is wide open. More Pfizer than Moderna but both available. Makes sense…I read somewhere the gov purchased twice as many Pfizer doses.

CVS has moderna and pfizer bivalent appts available tomorrow in SoCal

There are quite a few places around here allowing walk-in bivalent VAX—Safeway, Costco, Kaiser, Target and a few others. Best to call ahead to avoid disappointment.

Lots of availability coastal MA, Moderna included. I had an appt. for Friday but have a cold w/a little fever so not sure if I will do it. (So far, third day, negative for OVID but testing every day.)

I signed on to the CVS website and was able to choose an appointment a few days away.

Always Availability here. I had no trouble when they first came out, though I waited two weeks to get mine. Looking at CVS for today, I see 25 time slots open in our city. And multiple people can sign up for one time, as H and I scheduled ours for the same place, same time.

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Appointments easily available here. Got my bivalent Pfizer booster yesterday night along with the flu shot. This technician at CVS insisted that the shots had to be in different arms. Weird. Left arm with the bivalent booster is a bit sore this morning. I felt fine when I woke up but am starting to feel a bit off right now. Headache and chills.

I am not one to “keep track” of vaccine stories and experiences and keep data on it like many people seem to do (lol) BUT I have noted many, many people saying that the 12 hour point, post vaccine seems to be when side effects kick in.

I was happy to get booster in one arm, flu in the other. It was interesting to note that the flu arm had ZERO post shot pain - while the booster arm did.


Suburban Boston, closer to Providence. Got our boosters last Wednesday at CVS. Signed up last Monday–could have scheduled it for same day if we wanted, though. Lots of slots.

We got our bivalent shots at Kaiser as walk in after Walmart canceled our appt weeks after we made them because they had no VAX. We were very pleased that Kaiser was fine accepting all walk ins, including us on-members. We chose to only get Covid booster and got flu shots later at different venues.

Kaiser had both Pfizer & moderna and there was no wait—complete short form and get shot.

D still hasn’t yet gotten her flu shot but isn’t around people much. Mom, H and I have gotten our flu shots.

After two days, my arm is definitely less sore than with other COVID/flu vaccines so yay on shot placement, I guess. I am starting to get the same skin reaction - raised warm red spots down the arm from the shot. It first happened on my second initial vaccine and I even saw my dermatologist to confirm it wasn’t anything to worry about. I decided better that potential reaction I knew staying with Moderna than potentially getting something different with Pfizer.


Got my second booster - bivalent Moderna Monday night and still feeling very sore arm and a bit under the weather. Not sure, however, if it is a direct result of the shot or because I slept so late on Tuesday and was a bit nauseated so my overall system is off. Woke up in the middle of the night (less than 12 hours) with signficant chills. Had no real reaction besides some fatigue to the other three shots.

My Moderna booster & flu shots were Sunday p.m. and I can tell a difference between yesterday and today as far as arm pain, so hope yours is better tomorrow. I can’t be certain that my ongoing fatigue and general joint pain has anything to do with the shots, but there’s a strong chance it’s totally unrelated.

H said this was his last one unless a really nasty version of the virus appears again and there’s a targeted vaccine for it. At one point he said he’d get a booster quarterly if necessary, but it seems he’s decided otherwise.

My husband had exactly the opposite experience! And the flu was in his dominant arm so he would have been moving it more.


Moderna booster and flu yesterday. The booster arm is more tender, but I basically feel fine today. Maybe just a little sluggish.

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We got our Bivalvent Moderna today plus flu shot. The pharmacist massaged my arm after the shots. Never had anyone do that before so I asked her why she did it. She said it helps with sore arm pain. I googled after I got home and not sure that it is recommended? The whole thing took me by surprise. Is that standard and have you had that done when you got your vaccinations? No side effects yet but it’s only been 4 hours.

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Returned from getting my bivalent Pfizer shot. It has only been an hour, but no side effects.

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Got Moderna bivalent on Friday. Eleven hours later, I had chills, chattering teeth and slept very little the rest of the night. H said I was clammy in the am, and I ran a 100.5 fever the rest of the day. Also slept from 11 am-4:30 pm yesterday afternoon. Went bed at 11 last night, which is VERY early for me. Arm is sore and I have the usual (for me) red spot on my arm. Was the worst I’ve felt in all six Modernas (3 primary, 3 boosters).

Today I feel fine. Just the arm is sore.

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A couple of years ago when I got the MMR shot, the nurse practitioner said to move arm around a lot for about 5 minutes after shot to prevent soreness. Like swimming motions back and forth, raising arm up and done. When I remember I do that after any vaccination now. I don’t usually have much arm soreness, but I have no idea if that helps or not.


Husband had local skin reaction and chills with his previous Moderna shots. This time we both received our flu and Pfizer bivalent shots on the same day. We both had sore arms for about 24 hours, I felt a little punky and husband had some body aches for 24 hours but no fever, chills or skin reaction.

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