Anyone gotten a booster shot?

I have started to get shots in my dominant arm so as to naturally move it more. I virtually never get sore arms with shots even Covid though no idea if that’s why.

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My H tested positive this morning. He got the new booster in mid September (MMMMM). He’s fairly sure he was exposed at a work event 5 days ago (he did not wear a mask). This is his first time getting COVID and feels crappy like he has a really bad cold.

Our D (21) got covid for the first time in late August. Wondering when she should get the booster - 2 months or 3 months after the infection? Given that this is her last year in college, I know she’s going out more and being less careful than in her previous years. Any thoughts? suggests that anti-nucleocapsid antibodies peak about 100 days after infection.

So it is possible that the optimal time to boost after infection may be some time longer than three months.

YLE has some suggestions on timing here: Considerations for your fall booster - by Katelyn Jetelina

Thank you for the links.

Was hoping the new bivariant vaccines would also do a decent job preventing covid. Guess they prevent serious illness.

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Getting Moderna bivalent today, at the 4 1/2 month mark. I wanted to wait longer but am moving my daughter to a new apartment at the end of the month, and she is returning from a wedding on the other coast, a few days before.

I have one of my strange migraines this morning. Numbness and pain on the left side of face going down the side of my body, with nausea. Wondering if I should postpone but I need to get it asap to be protected on the 31st.

When I was sick with Covid in the spring (most likely the Omicron variant) both H and I were glad I had been vaccinated. If I hadn’t been I would have almost certainly ended up hospitalized and possibly worse…

I got the bivalent vaccine as soon as I could.


I would explain your symptoms to the medical personnel at the site you are scheduled to get your booster for help in determining if you should go ahead with the shot.

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Got it! PPPMM


There are also new variants: BQ.1, BQ.1.1, XBB.

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Not surprising (at least to me), take rate of new bivalent vax not high in CA (~5% overall, but 10% in Bay Area). But perhaps, some/many? got a 3rd booster over teh summer, so they are waiting until next month?

A few possible reasons:

  • Availability – seems that most places have a week lead time for appointments.
  • People who recently had COVID-19 waiting until later to get more use out of the booster (< 3 months probably does not do much good).
  • People trying to time the booster just before the high risk winter, when people go indoors.

I referenced your second point above. And as I have noted previously, same/next day appts are available in SoCal. It’s the BA where they seem to be backlogged by a week. (Perhaps bcos its the BA taht has the highest take rate.)

We are in SoCal and I was able to get same day or next day bivalent booster. I went to CVS and they only offered the Pfizer one. I got the booster and thankfully no bad side effects.

Hardly any of my friends or coworkers have had the recent booster.

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I get sick w/fever every time. It’s worth it. Two days in bed for more protection, I hope.

Pharmacist said it was very busy. I was the first of the day yesterday. I do think a lot of people are waiting in order to cover the holidays, and people who have had COVID recently or late last booster are also waiting.

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Maybe uptick is low because two committee members voted no, and one, Paul Offit, has been pretty vocal about why, and Fauci and the Moderna CEO are even saying it only makes sense in 65+, immune compromised, and sick people. Maybe people are looking at who some other countries are recommending gets the vaxx. Maybe people are starting to wonder about all this.


I’m not sure where you got your information, but this article may clear things up.

…what the CDC is voting on, on Wednesday, is about making the COVID-19 vaccine more affordable for families, should they choose to vaccinate their child.

Perhaps people should start wondering about the agenda of those who push false and/or misleading narratives. You would think the FL surgeon general would have his facts straight. Confusing/riling up the public is a disservice.


I tried to read everything I could on this bivalent booster. In the end, getting added protection from Omicron makes sense for me (age, health conditions) and one of my kids (health condition).

I care for a 95 year old who also just got the booster. I am still really careful and hoping to be able to ease up a bit (take a class?) for a few months.

One of my kids isn’t that careful but tests before seeing me. It is getting colder. I don’t want to go another winter without seeing her inside. The shot makes me feel more comfortable, at least with the current variant that is circulating.


That areas with 10-11% take rate so far are backlogged suggests that maximum take rate so far based on supply constraints is only 10-11%, though obviously it will increase as more becomes available through production and distribution.

Hope you are right, but I’m skeptical. Appointments spots are going begging in SoCal, and hard to see why NorCal would end up with a take-rate of 2-3x. (Personally never thought this take rate would be much, as folks have covid vax fatigue.)