Anyone gotten a booster shot?


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Because Pfizer’s study showed a marked drop off of antibodies at 8 months.

The experts are recommending we get the same vaccine for the booster.
They are also saying people who got J&J should get a Pfizer or Moderna instead of another J&J. D2 got a Pfizer after her J&J.



My H got his third Pfizer yesterday afternoon. As of this morning, just a sore arm.

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Tens of thousands of people are post 8 months now, primarily those who were in the clinical trials that started last summer.


Yes, you are correct, but I wasn’t referring to people in the clinical trials.

Healthcare workers and nursing home residents here began injections Dec 14, so they are close to 8 months. Despite the headlines, I believe the CDC recommendation was actually 6-12 months. I received my booster at 6 months as I live in a high covid area, just a sore arm and a little fatigue



I expect because they are getting organized to deliver shots in Sept, which will be 8 months for many. Of course, immunocompromised folks need only wait 4 weeks after the second shot to get a third.
Assuming the 3rd shots takes 2 weeks to reach full efficacy, it would be wise to get it a bit early.


Well, no one charged me. Or asked any questions, about anything, including prior vax or status or anything. I asked for a shot, and got one.


Just out of curiosity, did you get one at a physician’s office, a vaccine clinic, or a commercial pharmacy?

I’m only 5 months from my second shot. I intend to get a booster when I hit 8 months, but if they change the recommendation to sooner than that, I might get it earlier. Interesting that they asked no questions of your past vaccination status.

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But LOTS will be post 8 months as of The first week of September. Many health care workers and SCF residents were fully vaccinated as of the first week of January.


Yes, hopefully FDA approves boosters to start in September. I read 5 million people were vaccinated in January, so we have plenty of vaccine supply to make that happen.

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My doc just told me I am a legit candidate for an early booster due to systemic lupus, methylprednisolone between shots, “and other diagnoses you have.” However, I am only 3 months out from my second vaccine. I am going to wait 2-3 months.

I helped a friend with rheumatoid arthritis find a vaccine, and she urged me to go now. We all have the feeling there will be a rush and shots will be hard to get- based on our experience last time around- but there is now plenty of supply, right?

I am just trying to stay rational and not act based on irrational fear. But noone really knows. I bought some N95’s and otherwise double mask and am hoping for a booster in Nov. even if I am sanctioned by doc to get one earlier or now.


I don’t think we’re going to see the scarcity issues we did back in Jan-March. So much of that was because production was still being ramped up. It is now known that come October/November/December, there’s going to be a need for third shots for those who are 8 mos out from shot #2, so I would hope the pharma companies are ready.

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Just got this alert on my phone:

Blockquote"We are prepared to offer booster shots for all Americans beginning the week of September 20 and starting 8 months after an individual’s second dose," US health officials, including CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky and FDA Acting Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock, said in the statement.


My doc wants me to get my shot earlier than 8 months. I am assuming that now that this is approved, pharmacies and other vaccine sites will be checking the dates of our previous vaccines.

Those who got their boosters in recent days evaded that check on vaccine dates because boosters weren’t approved yet for the general population, so people either said they had not had a vaccine yet, or that they were immunocompromised (and maybe they were)>

For people who aren’t immunocompromised or elderly, I wonder if certain medical conditions will quallfy for earlier than 8 months. I ask this for myself but also for my daughter with type 1 diabetes who will be teaching hundreds of students in person soon. Can our doctors get us in at 5 or 6 months post-vax?