Anyone gotten a booster shot?

If I recall, I read somewhere that yes, they would need clinical trials until their main Vax gets full approval. At that point, variant approvals can be added on reasonably quickly (like the flu shot variants developed every year). (OTOH, my memory may be failing…)

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No. Did you after your second shot?

I feel like if I’m having a reaction that’s a good sign, but a half-dose probs would’ve been fine!


I haven’t yet. I read moderna is testing a half dose and I’m hoping they find good results soon.

I’m waiting to hear from our MDs when we should get our boosters for me, H and mom.

I took prednisone between my shots in late April, and have not been feeling certain about my vaccine status. However it was low dose. I am going to ask my doctor this week about a third shot but expect they won’t know.

Please share what your doctor says about steroids between shots as D is taking them now. I actually not sure if she should get her second and will definitely have to get a doctor’s ok for that.

My H is contacting his oncologist today to ask about whether a 3rd shot would be advisable. Background, he finished treatment for lymphoma in December 2020 and had 2 doses of Pfizer in Feb and early March of this year. The UK study seems to indicate that since he was less than six months out from treatment, the efficacy of of the vaccine might not be great. That said, he had treatment through a clinical trial that was obviously not represented in the UK pool of participants, so it may not be an apples to apples comparison.

CVS is now allowing scheduling of 3rd shots for those who are immunocompromised, as per the CDC guidance.


An acquaintance at the beach was telling us where to fake answers on the CVS online form to get an appointment.


Was thrilled that my 87 y/o dad got a booster shot today at his doctor’s office during a f/u visit.


I want my family and I to have strong vaccination status for the holidays.

Biden is apparently going to okay “boosters” after 8 months from second shot, but I am curious if and when the current vaccines might be tweaked, and whether those who have the third original version could have the tweaked version if and when available.

I took prednisone between my shots so not sure of my immune status. But still I feel there are good reasons to wait. And we need to stay in the system so safety and effectiveness are monitored.

I imagine my mother in assisted living will get a booster soon.

My 90 year old mother scheduled her booster for the end of this month, although she could have walked into Costco, CVS or Publix today and receive the vaccine. My aunt and many of her friends, all in their late 70s, went to different pharmacies at the above listed stores today and all received their booster. Some were asked questions, others were not.

I did ask my Nephrologist yesterday when mom and I should get the booster; she replied 7 months after our second vaccine. For me, that is next week; I just want to find a Friday to go in the event I don’t feel well so I don’t have to worry about work. I thought someone said this 3rd kicked butt; did I read that here? I was fine after my previous Covid vaccines, although I had a very slight headache the day after the second. Not sure it was vaccine related as I get lack of caffeine headaches when I sleep later and don’t have my cup of coffee until late!

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Yes, that was me.

First shot, sore arm.

Second shot, sore arm plus headache and a fever that started about 18 hours after the shot (let it get to 101.2 then took something). Lasted until the next morning.

This time, sore arm, fatigue and a fever (up to 103.4) starting a few hours after the shot and lasting 48 hours. I was alternating various OTC meds and couldn’t get it stay down for more than an hour at a time. Fever finally broke yesterday afternoon after a nap.

@Youdon_tsay Guess I could have scrolled through the posts to find out, but that you for replying. Glad to hear you are feeling better; so your fever was just a bit under 2 days? I also received Moderna, as did my husband, daughter and SIL; the rest of our immediately family all received Pfizer. Mom was sick with both of her Covid vaccines and swore she wouldn’t get another, yet here she is, signed up for the booster without anyone telling her to do so!

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Yeah, I’ll take a high fever for a couple of days over Covid! I’m not volunteering to my mom, who also is Moderna, that I felt that bad.


Kinda sounds like you still had a ton of immunity from your 2nd shot to cause that kind of reaction to the 3rd shot. At least to my totally non-medically informed intuition.

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Yes, I wonder. I actually got a blood draw today as part of a covid antibody research study being done by UT that in a few days will tell me my level of antibody and whether it’s via infection or vaccination.


Received my Pfizer booster on Monday. Absolutely no side effects yesterday or today, didn’t have any after the first two either and had a great antibody response after those.


I am getting Moderna today. Now I am a bit apprehensive after youdon_tsay’s posting.